To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Public Hearing
Zoning Text Amendments and Zone Reclassifications to Implement the General Plan
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Open the public hearing and receive the staff report and public testimony;
2. Close the public hearing;
3. Approve the strategy to carry out Zoning Text Amendments and Zone Reclassifications to implement the General Plan;
4. Adopt the attached resolution (Resolution 19-__ (Attachment 1)) doing the following:
a. Consider the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Humboldt County General Plan and find that it sufficiently addresses the potential environmental impacts associated with adoption of the Zone Reclassifications for three specific properties to be consistent with the General Plan designation: the Redwood Rural Health Center property in Redway (APN 077-312-016), the Save the Redwoods League parcels in Orick (APNs 519-231-018 and 520-012-013), and the Louis Gosselin property in the Fortuna area (APN 200-031-033); and find that the EIR was prepared in accordance with Section 15168 (c)(2); and no new information has been presented to change the findings of the EIR in accordance with section 15162 of the state California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines;
b. Make all of the required findings for approval based on evidence in the staff report and public testimony;
5. Adopt the attached ordinance implementing Zone Reclassifications for three specific properties to be consistent with the General Plan designation: the Redwood Rural Health Center property in Redway (APN 077-312-016), the Save the Redwoods League parcels in Orick (APNs 519-231-018 and 520-012-013), and the Louis Gosselin property in the Fortuna area (APN 200-031-033) (Attachment 2);
6. Direct the Planning and Building Department to file a Notice of Determination with the Humboldt County Recorder's Office, pursua...
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