Organic Humboldt, LLC: Special Permit and Zoning Clearance Certificate
Record Number PLN-2020-16475 (filed 06/26/2020)
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 205-231-029
Scotia area
The applicant is seeking a Special Permit for 43,560 square feet of new outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation and a Zoning Clearance Certificate for 13,500 square feet of existing outdoor cultivation being relocated to the subject parcel under the RRR program. Total cultivation on the parcel totals 57,060 square feet of outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation. Light depravation techniques may be utilized to achieve two harvests annually. The project will be supported by 5,706 square feet of propagation space. The applicant will implement dry farming practices, although supplemental irrigation water will be sourced from the existing rainwater catchment system. The projected annual water usage is estimated to be 20,000 gallons and the existing water storage totals 50,000 gallons. All processing will occur offsite at a licensed third-party processing facility. Energy for the operation will be supplied by the existing P.G. & E. service. Up to three employees may be utilized for the operation.
1) Find that the Commission has considered the Addendum to the adopted Environmental Impact Report for the Commercial Cannabis Land Use Ordinance (CCLUO) pursuant to Section§15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines; 2) making all of the required findings for approval of the Special Permit and Zoning Clearance Certificate; 3) and approve the Organic Humboldt, LLC, project subject to the recommended conditions.