File #: 21-1792    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Informational Report Status: Passed
File created: 12/1/2021 In control: Public Works
On agenda: 1/4/2022 Final action: 1/4/2022
Title: Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Tree Clearing Project RECOMMENDATION(S):
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Panther Gap Rd PM 0.50 Tree Clearing_Plans.pdf, 3. Panther Gap Rd PM 0.50 Tree Clearing_Special Provisions.pdf
Previous Action/Referral: 19-157, 22-1609, 25-126, 22-678, 22-687, 23-1549

To:                                                               Board of Supervisors


From:                                           Public Works                                          


Agenda Section:                      Consent                                                               




Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Tree Clearing Project




That the Board of Supervisors:

1.                     Approve the attached plans and specifications for the Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Tree Clearing Project;

2.                     Direct the Clerk of the Board to advertise the above-mentioned project as required by Section 22037 of the California Public Contract Code, with bids to be opened on Tuesday, Feb.1, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.;

3.                     Authorize the Humboldt County Public Works Director to award the above-mentioned project to the lowest responsive bidder following completion of the bidding process; and

4.                     Authorize the Humboldt County Public Works Director to execute a project agreement with the lowest responsive bidder upon submittal of the appropriate bonds and insurance.



SOURCE OF FUNDING                     

Road Fund (1200); Federal Emergency Management Agency, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services



On Feb. 14, 2017, the Federal Emergency Management Agency declared a disaster for Humboldt County due to severe winter storms, flooding, and mudslides.   Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 located near the community of Honeydew in the southern area of Humboldt County, experienced moderate roadway failure due to the heavy rainfall. Additionally, heavy rains from another federally declared disaster on Feb. 24, 2019, caused a very large roadway failure that completely shut off access for residents beyond Post Mile 0.50.  An emergency temporary detour was constructed utilizing private roads and driveways to maintain essential traffic flows for residents living in Panther Gap.  Panther Gap Road is currently closed at Post Mile 0.50.


On April 12, 2021, the Humboldt County Department of Public Works (“Public Works”) received approval from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to proceed with the Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Project.   The tree clearing portion of the project is scheduled prior to March 15, 2022 to minimize impacts to federally protected bird species.  Tree clearing work after March 15, 2022 will require daily biological monitoring.  Public Works and GHD prepared the attached plans and specifications based on surveys by Points West Surveying Company and geotechnical studies by Crawford and Associates.  The work proposed in the attached plans and specifications consists of cutting down the trees and leaving them on-site where they fall. The tree clearing portion is to prepare for the road construction project scheduled for the summer of 2022 that will restore local traffic on Panther Gap Road.


Tree clearing activity must be completed by March 15, 2022 or have the potential of delaying the road reconstruction project.  Due to this deadline, Public Works recommends that the Board approve the attached plans and specifications and authorize the Public Works Director to award the Panther Gap Road (4D010) Tree Clearing Project to, and execute the project agreement with, the lowest responsive bidder following completion of the bidding process and submittal of the appropriate bonds and insurance.



There is no financial commitment until the Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Tree Clearing Project is awarded. This project is being funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Funds (75%), California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services fund (18.75%) and the Humboldt County Road Fund (6.25%).  The engineer’s cost estimate for the project is $60,000.  The Humboldt County Road Fund will be responsible for $3,750 of the costs associated with the Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Tree Clearing Project.


Expenditure appropriations related to completion of the Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Tree Clearing Project have been included in the approved fiscal year 2021-2022 budget for Road-Engineering budget unit 1200-321.  As a result, the Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Tree Clearing Project will not impact the Humboldt County General Fund.



The recommended actions support the Board of Supervisors’ Strategic Framework by providing for and maintaining infrastructure.


OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT:                     

Federal Emergency Management Agency, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, California State Parks



The Board of Supervisors may choose not to approve the attached plans and specifications for the Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Tree Clearing Project.  However, this alternative is not recommended because the project will provide tree clearing that minimizes environmental impacts and potential environmental delays for the roadway reconstruction project planned for the summer of 2022 using funds that would not otherwise be available to the County of Humboldt.



1.                     Plans and Specifications for the Panther Gap Road (4D010) Post Mile 0.50 Tree Clearing Project, Project No. FEMA 4301-CA-DR PW-909; Contract No. 217387



Board Order No.: C-12                     

Meeting of: March 5, 2019

File No.: 19-157