To: Board of Supervisors
From: County Administrative Office
Agenda Section: Public Hearing
Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of an Ordinance for the 2019-20 Update of the Humboldt County Schedule of Fees and Charges (4/5 Vote Required)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Opens the public hearing;
2. Introduces by title, Ordinance No. ____ (Attachment IV), updating the Humboldt County Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2019-20, waive the first reading of the ordinance;
3. Receives the staff report and public comments;
4. Approves and/or modifies the new, increased, decreased, deleted or changed fees, as shown in the 2019-20 Humboldt County Schedule of Fees and Charges (Attachment I);
5. Adopts the Ordinance;
6. Directs the Clerk of the Board, within 15 days, to publish a post-adoption summary of the ordinance (Attachment V) with the names of the Supervisors voting for and against the ordinance, and to post in the office of the Clerk of the Board a certified copy of the full text of the adopted ordinance and amendments along with the names of those Supervisors voting for and against the ordinance [Government Code Section 25124 (b)(1)]; and
7. Closes the public hearing.
All County Funds
Annually, county departments review fees and charges to determine whether such fees and charges are sufficient to recoup costs associated with providing services to the public. Attachment Ia provides a comparison of the existing fees and charges to those proposed to be effective Nov. 4, 2019. For fees that are proposed to change, calculations supporting the new charge are contained in Attachment III. For new fees, documentation detailing why the fee is being recommended by the affected department is contained in Attachment II. Primarily, the changes reflect fees that are being updated and/or clarified after review by a specific department to insure cost recovery of...
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