Emerald Sky Growers Inc: Conditional Use Permit
Record Number PLN-2020-16733 (filed 10/21/2020)
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 200-232-026
Fortuna area
A Conditional Use Permit to modify an approved Zoning Clearance Certificate in the Fortuna Community Planning Area. The modification proposes to increase ancillary nursery space from 600 square feet to 1,500 square feet. The previously approved 2,000 square foot operations building will become a commercial structure to conduct onsite processing and will also be relocated but the size remains the same. The previously approved 5,976 square feet of new mixed light commercial cannabis cultivation remain unmodified as to size and type but the cultivation area will be reconfigured. The water source of a disconnected well, the 119,800-gallon annual water budget, the number of employees, and power source of PGE with a generator for emergencies remain unmodified from what was approved under PLN-11927-ZCC. Water storage will be increased by the modification from 5,000 gallons to 15,000 gallons
1) Find that the Planning Commission has considered the Addendum to the adopted Environmental Impact Report for the Commercial Cannabis Land Use Ordinance (CCLUO) as described by Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines; 2) make all required findings for approval of the Conditional Use Permit; 3) and approve the Emerald Sky Growers, Inc, Conditional Use Permit modification as recommended by staff subject to the recommended conditions including the requirement to limit the propagation area to 10% of the size of the cultivation.