To: Board of Supervisors
From: County Administrative Office
Agenda Section: Departmental
Barrier Removal or Relocation of Rio Dell Branch Library Site
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Receive the staff report and provide staff direction on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) barrier removal or relocation of the Rio Dell Branch Library site.
Library Fund (1500)
ADA Compliance Fund (3552)
On Sept. 25, 2018, your Board received a staff report on the Rio Dell Library and options to provide an ADA-compliant space. Your Board directed staff to explore an additional option of placing a modular on the Rio Dell City Hall site.
On Oct. 2, 2018, the Rio Dell City Council met to discuss options for the library and to discuss how it could partner with the county. The City of Rio Dell expressed its opinion on co-locating the library with the Danco Permanent Supportive Housing Project, and its desire to maintain the library on Wildwood Avenue at either city hall grounds, Triangle Park or a city parking lot in downtown Rio Dell. The Rio Dell City Council opted not to consider the Danco Permanent Supportive Housing Project on Rigby Street in Rio Dell as a relocation option.
On Oct. 9, 2018, your Board directed staff to explore additional options of Triangle Park, Rio Dell City Hall grounds and a city parking lot in downtown Rio Dell as possible relocation sites for the Rio Dell Branch Library. Attached in today's report is a site narrative and site plan for each option, and cost estimate for two of the three options as one is not recommended.
The county's ADA consultant looked at the vacant parking lot located at 203 Wildwood Avenue, Rio Dell and the adjacent parcel. The total size of the two parcels is 0.36 acres. Should your Board choose to pursue this option, the adjacent parcel will need to be purchased or leased in order to place a modular...
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