Conklin Creek Farms, Inc.
Record Number PLN-2021-17034
Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APNs) 105-042-002; 105-111-001; 105-071-005; and 105-101-006.
Petrolia Area,
A Special Permit for 43,560 square feet (one acre) of new mixed light cultivation. Four Zoning Clearance Certificates for 5,000 square feet of indoor cultivation; 23,500 square feet of enclosed wholesale nursery; offsite processing; and distribution. Power is provided by PGE and solar. Irrigation water is provided by a 2.6-million-gallon rainwater catchment pond. Annually water usage is estimated at 655,000 gallons. The indoor cultivation is associated with a 500 square foot ancillary nursery. The mixed light cultivation is associated with a 4,360 square foot ancillary nursery.