Natures Health Group Inc.: Special Permit (2)
Record Number PLN-2019-16073 (filed 12/23/2019)
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 402-021-050
Kneeland Area
A Special Permit to permit a microbusiness with the following activities: 9,900 square feet (sf) of mixed-light cultivation, non-volatile manufacturing, and distribution. Cultivation activities will occur year-round with 4 to 5 cycles per year, and a 1,125 sf greenhouse is proposed for ancillary propagation. Total existing water storage is 36,800 gallons in hard plastic water tanks, and the applicant plans to add an additional 27,600 gallons of water storage on-site for a total of 64,400 gallons. Anticipated annual water usage for the project is 94,000 gallons: 90,000 gallons for irrigation (8.16 gal/sq. ft./year), 1,000 gallons for distribution, and 3,000 gallons for manufacturing. Water will be recycled throughout the year with the use of dehumidifiers within the greenhouses. Processing will be performed off-site at a licensed third-party processing facility. The parcel is powered by PG&E and the applicant is enrolled in the solar choice program. An additional Special Permit is being requested to approve a setback reduction to a nearby school bus stop approximately 200 feet to the nearest cultivation area. Cultivation is not visible from the school bus stop, and greenhouses will be fully enclosed with carbon filters used for odor mitigation.
1) Find that the Commission has considered the Addendum to the adopted Environmental Impact Report for the Commercial Cannabis Land Use Ordinance (CCLUO) as described by Section §15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines, 2) make all of the required findings for approval of the Special Permits and 3) approve the Natures Health Group, Inc. Special Permits as recommended by staff subject to the recommended conditions.