To: Board of Supervisors
From: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
License Agreement with Green Diamond Resource Company for the Bald Hills-Coyote Creek Borrow and Stockpile Site, APN 531-022-002
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Authorize the Chair of the Board to sign, in duplicate, the License Agreement between the County of Humboldt and Green Diamond Resource Company (Attachment 1); and
2. Direct the Clerk of the Board to return both executed License Agreements to the Department of Public Works Land Use Division for further processing.
Roads Maintenance 1200-325
The Roads Division of the Humboldt County Department of Public Works has been using the Bald Hills-Coyote Peak Quarry Site since 1972. The March 25, 2014 License Agreement has expired and a new License Agreement is necessary. The new License Agreement (Attachment 1) shall permit the county to enter upon said property (APN 531-022-002) for the purpose of a surface mining operation, which will include processing of pit-run material and stockpiling of construction material, as well as storage of equipment appurtenant to county road repair and maintenance. The new License Agreement shall commence upon the date of execution, with the first term extending from the date of execution through December 31, 2019. The License Agreement shall renew automatically for four (4) successive one-(1) year terms upon the same terms and conditions herein, unless either party provides the other party written notice of termination at any time and effective after sixty (60) days. The county shall have sixty (60) days beyond termination date to remove equipment and stockpiled aggregate material from site.
The proposed License Agreement shall increase the royalty rate for pit-run aggregate from One Dollar ($1.00) per cubic yard to One Dollar Twenty-five cents ($1.25) per cubic yard, consistent with royalty rates at ...
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