To: Board of Supervisors
From: Sheriff
Agenda Section: Consent
Approval of State Standard Agreement Between the Humboldt County Correctional Facility (HCCF) and the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) and Supplemental Budget for 1100-243200 Jail Based Competency Program (4/5 Vote Required)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve the State Standard Agreement between the HCCF and DSH;
2. Authorize the Chair of the Board to sign three original copies of the contract (Attachment 1);
3. Authorize the Sheriff, Correctional Captain, or Deputy Director of Sheriff's Administration, to sign all amendments, extensions, revisions or termination of the contract;
4. Authorize the Sheriff, Correctional Captain, or Deputy Director of Sheriff's Administration, to sign all 4 associated forms with the contract. (Attachments 3-6)
5. Direct the Clerk of the Board to return the signed contracts to HCCF, Attn: Captain Duane Christian; and
6. Approve the Supplemental Budget for FY2019-20 for 1100-243200 Jail Based Competency Program start-up costs (Attachment 7) (4/5 vote required).
Department of State Hospitals
The California state mental health hospital system is overcrowded. This causes inmates who have been deemed "incompetent to stand trial" to be placed on long waiting lists for a bed in the state hospital to restore their competence. The wait is sometimes in excess of 4-6 months. During the wait period their mental health condition may deteriorate because they are not currently able to get the proper treatment at HCCF. To deal with this overcrowding issue the Department of State Hospitals is funding local Jail Based Competency Programs (JBCT) where inmates can be restored to competency without waiting for a state hospital bed. Several localized JBCT programs have been set-up with great success in various counties around the state.
Establishing a JBCT program in Hu...
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