Meeting date/time:
6:00 PM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
825 Fifth Street
Board of Supervisors Chambers
Eureka, California Regular Meeting - Hybrid
AB 361 9.15.22
| 1 | | | Zoning Item | Discussion and Possible Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings of the Humboldt County Planning Commission for the period of September 15, 2022, through October 15, 2022, Pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act. | | |
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AS 07.21.22
| 1 | 1. | | Zoning Item | Review and approval of July 21, 2022, Action Summary; | | |
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AS 07.28.22
| 1 | 2. | | Zoning Item | Review and approval of July 28, 2022, Action Summary; | | |
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AS 08.04.22
| 1 | 3. | | Zoning Item | Review and approval of August 4, 2022, Action Summary; | | |
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AS 08.18.22
| 1 | 4. | | Zoning Item | Review and approval of August 18, 2022, Action Summary; | | |
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| 1 | 5. | | Zoning Item | H1 Canyon, LLC; Conditional Use Permit
Record Number PLN-10845-CUP (filed 08/05/2016)
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 524-115-006
Willow Creek area
A Conditional Use Permit for 42,188 square feet (sf) of existing outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation with 3,770 sf of ancillary propagation. The main water source is a 400,000 gallon rainwater catchment pond. Supplemental water comes from a well and two on-site spring diversions under Water Right Certificate H100110. The applicant has obtained a Well Assessment from a licensed geologist supporting the continued use of the well. Water is stored in the 400,000 gallon pond as well as hard tanks for a total of 439,300 gallons. Annual projected water usage is 413,775 gallons (9 gal/sf/yr). Product will be dried on-site and additional processing will occur off-site at a licensed facility. Two (2) to four (4) employees will be used for cultivation activities. Power is sourced by four (4) generators used for drying, and the project will transition to 100% renewable energy by 2026. This application includes a Special Permit for the relocation | | |
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| 1 | 1. | | Zoning Item | Schneider Coastal Development Permit Modification;
Record Number PLN-17762 (filed 05/12/2022)
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 402-171-030, 402-171-029
Eureka/Indianola Area
An application for a Coastal Development Permit and Special Permit Modification for an alteration in the configuration and location of a single-family residence and for the removal of the temporary road installed previously without permits. The residence has been partially constructed in a location not consistent with the approved Coastal Development Permit site plan or building permit site plan and within 100 feet of a one parameter wetland and adjacent to Environmentally Sensitive Habitat areas. The road was installed on both parcels. The CDP modification includes after the fact major vegetation removal for removal of native blackberries within a one parameter wetland and removal of native blackberries and willow and alder trees adjacent to the slough in an Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area (ESHA). Construction of a wood fence for protection of existing sensitive areas are also proposed. The road and pro | | |
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| 1 | 2. | | Zoning Item | Friends of the Dunes Trail and Habitat Restoration; Amendment to Permit
Record Number PLN-9175-CDP (filed 04/28/2015)
Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 400-011-075, 506-111-004, 506-111-021, 506-111-024, 506-111-025.
Manila area The proposed FOD Trail and Habitat Restoration Project (project) would amend the previously approved 2009 CDP (CDP-06-49MMX) and CUP/SP (CUP-06-14MMX/SP-06-71M), which allows use of a converted residence as the HCNC office/education center, relocation of a parking area, a notice of parcel merger, removal of 19 nonnative trees, and trail establishment and restoration activities on approximately 93 of the total 122 acres of beach and dune habitat in the Manila area of Humboldt County under management by the FOD. The permit amendment based on this subsequent IS/MND prepared for the project would allow trail work, restoration, and related activities on the 3.6-acre former Barr property on Lupin Avenue in Manila and would incorporate these additional 3.6 acres into the previously approved restoration plan. The improvements are intended to minimize impacts on s | | |
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Record Number PLN-2022-17866 (filed 08/25/2022)
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 000-000-000
Project area: Countywide
The Humboldt County Planning Commission will consider updates to the inland and coastal zoning codes and the General Plan and Local Coastal Program to conform to state housing law changes regarding emergency shelters codified in Government Code 65582 and 65583. By statute, cities and counties must designate at least one zone where emergency shelters are allowed by right, and may specify limited, objective standards for their development and operation. This item amends the existing Emergency Shelter code, adds Day Shelters and Low Barrier Navigation Centers to the inland ordinance; and adds for the first time a definition and use types for emergency shelters in the Coastal Zone. | | |
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