| 1 | 1. | | Zoning Item | Review and approve the June 20, 2019 Planning Commission Action Summary. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | | Zoning Item | Review and approve the July 11, 2019 Planning Commission Action Summary. | approved as amended | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | | Zoning Item | Review and approve the August 1, 2019 Planning Commission Action Summary. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 1. | | Zoning Item | Dias Final Map Subdivision, Coastal Development Permit and Special Permit Modification Extension
Case Number PLN-2019-15612
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) 017-152-022, 017-152-023, 017-152-024, 402-301-011
3127 Mitchell Heights Drive, Eureka area
Project Description: A third two-year extension of a Major Subdivision, a Coastal Development Permit and a Special Permit Modification last approved on October 18, 2018. The project was extended twice by the applicant and automatically extended by several Assembly Bills. The original project consisted of the subdivision of 33.3 acres into thirteen (13) lots ranging in size from 1.25 to 4.51 acres. The subdivision utilized Lot Size Modification and included an exception to lot frontage requirements and a Special Permit to allow an exception to the lot width to depth ratio. The subdivision was proposed to be developed as Phase 1 (Lots 1 through 3 and Remainder), Phase 2 (Lots 4 through 10 and Remainder) and Phase 3 (Lots 11 through 13). Phase 1 and Phase 2 have already been completed. The previously approved Modification altered the co | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 2. | | Zoning Item | Beau Pre Heights Final Map Subdivision Extension
Case Number PLN-2019-15517
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) 510-011-015-000, 511-161-004-000, 510-011-017-000, 511-111-059-000
McKinleyville area, on the north side of Murray Road, approximately 3200 feet east from the intersection of Murray Road and Central Avenue, on the property known as Norton Creek Estates
Project Description: A second two-year extension of a Final Map Subdivision of an approximately 197.3 acre parcel (formerly known as Norton Creek Estates, now termed Beau Pre Heights Subdivision) into 79 residential parcels ranging in size from 1.03 acres - 4.79 acres, and an open space parcel encompassing streamside management areas and wetlands. The Tentative Map will also protect an approximate 36-acre Sitka spruce forest stand deemed a “rare natural community” by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Pursuant to Section 322.5-1 et seq. H.C.C., an exemption to the solar access standards is requested for all lots based on the fact that all lots in the proposed development are greater than one acre and lot configuration does | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | | Zoning Item | L & A Enterprises Parcel Map Subdivision
Application Number 13982
Case Number PMS-18-001
Assessor Parcel Number 508-251-055, 510-133-013
1445 Nursery Way, McKinleyville area
Project Description: A Minor Subdivision of an approximately 16-acre parcel into one parcel of 1.4 acres and a 14.6-acre Remainder Parcel. The parcel is currently developed with a commercial structure that will remain on proposed Parcel 1 with the proposed Remainder remaining vacant. The parcels will be served with community water and sewer provided by the McKinleyville Community Services District. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Zoning Item | Ozanian Parcel Map Subdivision and Special Permit
Case Number PMS-18-008
Application Number 14126
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) 100-311-019, 101-131-013
1355 Centerville Road, Ferndale area
Project Description: A Minor Subdivision of an approximately 46.5-acre parcel into three parcels of 6.7 acres, 18.2 acres and 21.6 acres. The parcel is currently vacant. A Special Permit is required for minor road improvements within the Streamside Management Area (SMA) of an unnamed watercourse. Water will be provided by a spring diversion and onsite wastewater treatment systems are proposed. | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Zoning Item | Town of Scotia LLC Final Map Subdivision and Planned Development Permit Extension
Case Number FMS-05-001XX and PDP-05-001XXXX; PLN-2019-15713
Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 205-421-012 and 205-421-013
Scotia Area
Project Description: A fourth extension of a Planned Development Permit (PDP) approved on November 10, 2009, and a second extension of the Final Map Subdivision approved on 11-10-2009. The original project included a General Plan Amendment, Zone Reclassification, Final Map Subdivision, Planned Development Permit and establishment of urban boundary line for portions of Scotia, with land uses designations of Industrial General, Agricultural General, or Timberland. The General Plan and Zone Amendments have been adopted and are currently in effect. Two phases of the approved tentative map have been recorded to date and approximately half of the town has been subdivided. This request is for a six-year extension of the remaining phase of the Final Map and for the Planned Development Permit (PDP) The PDP modifies development standards of the principal zone district and is a | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Zoning Item | Carolan Lot Line Adjustment and Zone Boundary Adjustment
Application Number 14387
Case Numbers LLA-18-024, ZBA-18-002
Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 220-271-001, 220-282-012, 220-282-013, 220-301-007
2800 and 3545 Miller Creek Road and 3480 Elk Ridge Road
Briceland Area
Project Description: A Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) between three parcels resulting in three parcels of approximately 83 acres, 155 acres and 140 acres. A Zone Boundary Adjustment (ZBA) is also requested to adjust the zone boundary between the Timberland Production Zone (TPZ) and the Forestry Recreation with a 40-acre minimum parcel size (FR-B-5(40)) zone to follow the new property lines. The entirety of APN 220-271-001 will be zoned FR-B-5(40). The project will also remedy a violation of the Subdivision Map Act by merging APN 220-282-012 into 220-282-013 prior to adjustment. The parcels are developed with single family residences and accessory structures. The parcels are served with on-site water and on-site wastewater systems. The purpose of the LLA is to remedy a situation where a home was built across a property l | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | | Zoning Item | SOUTHERN HUMBOLDT COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE DISTRICT General Plan Conformance Review
Case Number PLN-2019-15737
Assessor’s Parcel Number 032-091-014
286 Sprowel Creek Road, Garberville Area
Project Description: A General Plan Conformance review for the Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District’s (SHCHD) acquisition of APN 032-091-014. The site was developed with a school in 1939 and the most recent use was Redwood Playhouse community theater. The SHCHD proposes to 1) utilize the existing structure for patient care related to psychiatric care and counseling and, 2) construct two (2) buildings and a heliport at the property. The SHCHD operates the Jerold Phelps Community Hospital located in Garberville and the proposed buildings would replace the existing hospital. An airport compatibility analysis was performed to show the project is consistent with the Airport Land Use Compatibility Zone C Regulations. The parcel receives water and sewer services from the Garberville Sanitary District. | recommended for approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | | Zoning Item | SWCO, Inc., DBA Satori Wellness Café & Lounge
Application Number: PLN-2019-15348
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 508-251-054-000
1551 Nursery Way, Unit C, McKinleyville, CA95519
Project Description: The Applicant is seeking a Conditional Use Permit to allow onsite cannabis consumption café and lounge as an accessory use to an approved Dispensary and Distribution facility. This use would occur within a portion of the existing building on the property. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 9. | | Zoning Item | Skylar Giordano, Conditional Use Permit
Application Number 10679
Case Number CUP-16-050
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 315-011-012
8900 Butler Valley Road, Korbel Area
Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit (CUP16-050) for an existing 17,000 square foot (SF) outdoor cannabis cultivation operation and a 1,920 SF ancillary nursery on a 30-acre parcel. A Special Permit is requested for work within the Streamside Management Area (SMA) in order to make improvements and remove infrastructure associated with the existing Point of Diversion (POD)in Boulder Creek. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | | Zoning Item | Armco II LLC Conditional Use Permit
Record Number PLN-2019-15365
Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 522-143-033
1005 Patterson Road (Private Drive off of Patterson Road), Willow Creek Area
Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit for a Distribution Facility incidental to an existing, approved commercial cannabis cultivation activity (ZCC-16-142) occurring on the subject parcel in accordance with Section 314-55.4 of Chapter 4 of Division 1 of Title III of the Commercial Cannabis Land Use Ordinance (CCLUO). The distribution activity will occur in a portion of an existing 1,920 square foot commercial building utilized for processing and storage activities. Product will be transported off-site to other licensed vendors once it has passed state testing. The CCLUO section (a) requires a Conditional Use Permit for any Commercial Cannabis Activity within the Willow Creek Community Planning Area. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | | Zoning Item | Bandwagon Gardens, LLC, Conditional Use Permit
Record Number: PLN-11738-CUP
Case Number: CUP16-368
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN): 522-032-007-000
5555 Old Three Creeks Road, Blue Lake (Willow Creek Area)
Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit for an existing 18,776 square foot (SF) outdoor cannabis cultivation operation within 17 greenhouses with one (1) 1,800 SF ancillary propagation greenhouse. Drying occurs on-site in the existing barn or shed and all other processing will occur offsite at a licensed facility. A Special Permit is requested for development within a Streamside Management Area (SMA) including continued operation and maintenance of a surface water diversion and restoration work associated with proposed onsite relocation of pre-existing cultivation out of a SMA to an environmentally superior location. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | | Zoning Item | Paradise Flowers, Conditional Use Permit, Special Permit and Notice of Merger
Record No.: PLN-11183-CUP & PLN-2019-15550
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN): 217-255-005
28180 Alderpoint Road, Blocksburg Area
Project Description A Conditional Use Permit for 30,840 sf of existing outdoor cultivation and 17,000 sf of existing mixed light cultivation, a Special Permit for after-the-fact permitting of agricultural diversion infrastructure within the Streamside Management Area and a Notice of Merger of two legal parcels that comprise the APN 217-255-005. Harvested cannabis is dried, cured and processed on-site in an existing 2,400 sf facility. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | | Zoning Item | BFCCF, LLC, Conditional Use Permit
Application Number 11842
Case Number CUP16-408
Assessor’s Parcel Number 220-282-008
PO Box 325, Whitehorn, CA 95589
Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit for an existing 16,440 square foot (SF) of outdoor cannabis cultivation operation. The project also includes a 2,500 SF drying facility, and a proposed 400 SF processing facility. The project also includes 3,925 square feet of propagation area. All processing and operations associated with cannabis for BFCCF, LLC will be conducted solely by the owner of BFCCF, LLC and by immediate family members of the owner of BFCCF, LLC. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | | Zoning Item | Mermaid Spring Estate, LLC, Conditional Use Permit
Application Number: 11102
Case Number: CUP16-149
Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 216-025-009 and 216-025-016
8786 Bell Springs Road, New Harris area
Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit for an existing 16,450 square feet (SF) outdoor cannabis cultivation operation located on Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APNs) 216-025-009 and 216-025-016, which are approximately 154 acres in combined size and represent one legal parcel. A 1,088-square-foot appurtenant propagation nursery is also planned to support the project. Processing activities including curing and trimming will occur onsite within a 1,200-square-foot metal building and will serve as a processing facility for the Applicants other projects located on APNs 216-025-011 and 216-025-002. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | | Zoning Item | 30 Deep, LLC, Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit
Record Number: PLN-11637-CUP
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN): 216-154-025
11477 Alderpoint Road, Alderpoint Area
Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for an existing, commercial cannabis cultivation operation totaling approximately 28,668 square feet (sf) outdoor cultivation and 4,110 sf mixed-light cultivation, and a Special Permit for restoration within the Streamside Management Area associated with relocating a cultivation area. The applicant proposes on-site relocation of an outdoor cultivation site away from wetland features into an existing clearing. Processing would occur on-site in an existing 1,200 square foot facility. | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 1. | | Zoning Item | Goselin Final Map Subdivision and Special Permit
Case Number FMS-18-001
Application Number 14101
Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 200-031-033
770 Tompkins Hill Road, Tompkins Hill area
Project Description: A Major Subdivision to create six parcels ranging in size from 5.03 acres to 7.07 acres. The parcel is currently developed with a primary residence and an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) as well as a shop and other accessory buildings. The main residence will be sited on proposed Parcel 6, the ADU will be sited on proposed Parcel 4 and the shop will be sited on proposed Parcel 5. Exception requests were submitted to both Cal Fire and Public Works to allow the subdivision to be served by a road that does not meet Road Category 4 standards in all locations. Also included is a follow-up Special Permit to an Emergency Special Permit issued for work within a Streamside Management Area. All parcels will be served with water provided by the Palmer Creek Community Services District and on-site wastewater treatment systems. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 2. | | Zoning Item | Michael Brosgart and Arielle Brosgart, Special Permits
Application Numbers: 13319, 13328, 13339 &13346
Case Numbers SP16-868, SP16-870, SP16-871 & SP16-872
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 516-111-064; 1695 Glendale Drive
Project Description: The project on parcel 516-111-064 is for a multi-use commercial cannabis facility comprising four (4) separate applications/Case Numbers: 13319/SP16-868 (Volatile Manufacturing), 13328/SP16-870 (Non-Volatile Manufacturing, 13339/SP16-871 (Distribution) and 13346/SP16-872 (Processing). The proposed building area is approximately 37,858 square feet (SF) in three (3) new buildings, of which one will be two-story, on a 72,230 SF (1.75 acre) parcel. Water and sewer to be provided by the Glendale-Fieldbrook Community Service District. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | | Zoning Item | Rocci Costa, Conditional Use Permit
Application Number 12176
Case Number PLN-12176-CUP
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 516-211-025
1734 Warren Creek Rd, Blue Lake, CA 95521
Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit for 8,000 square feet of new mixed light cultivation and 2,000 square feet of new outdoor cannabis cultivation, and a 2,000 square foot ancillary nursery on a parcel approximately 5 acres in size. The proposed project is located within the Blue Lake Community Planning Area which requires a Conditional Use Permit for unenclosed cultivation located within 600 feet feet of adjacent residences or residential zones if there is any public controversy. | continued | Pass |
Action details