Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/20/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: 825 Fifth Street Board of Supervisors Chambers Eureka, California
Regular Meeting - Hybrid
Published agenda: Agenda (PDF) Agenda (PDF) Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: 11393 - ITEM E-4 - PC Supplemental 1.pdf, 18298 - ITEM E-3 - PC Supplemental 1.pdf, 11393 Public Comment 2.20.25.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-283 11. ResolutionHumboldt Sanctuary Farm, LLC Conditional Use Permit Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 221-071-020 Record Numbers: PLN-12990-CUP Salmon Creek Area A Conditional Use Permit for 28,500 square feet of existing outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation supported by a 1,900 square foot ancillary nursery. Estimated annual water usage is 300,000 gallons and is sourced from rainwater catchment. Water storage consists of an approximately 600,000-gallon pond and 9,900 gallons in tanks. Onsite processing is proposed, and electricity is provided by solar and generators. The project is conditioned to transition to renewable energy by January 1, 2026, reserving generator use for emergencies only. The project includes onsite relocation and restoration.   Not available Video Video
25-252 12. ResolutionLaurel Tree Charter School Coastal Development Permit Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 511-401-039-000 Record No.: PLN-2023-18176 McKinleyville area A three-year extension to a previously approved Coastal Development Permit (PLN-2021-17206) to accommodate development of a school to be operated by Laurel Tree Charter School serving children from Kindergarten through High School. The CDP is not vested. No modifications to the project are proposed. If approved, the extension will expire on May 16, 2026.   Not available Video Video
25-286 13. ResolutionVB BTS II, LLC Conditional Use Permit Record No.: PLN-2023-18298 APN: 511-111-063 McKinleyville area A Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a new telecommunications facility consisting of an approximately 100-foot tall tower together with an equipment compound in a fenced 50’x50’ lease area. To help disguise the facility, the proposed tower includes stealthing designed to obscure the visibility of antennas and other equipment by making the structure look like an evergreen tree complete with faux branches on its “trunk”. The tower will be capable of hosting equipment from multiple different wireless carriers. Though not proposed at this time, a back-up generator may be installed in the future. An exception to the accessory structure height limit is requested.   Not available Video Video
25-289 14. ResolutionGrouse Mountain Green, LLC Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 524-112-002-000 Record No.: PLN-11393-CUP Willow Creek area A Conditional Use Permit for 22,000 square feet of existing outdoor cannabis cultivation with 2,200 square feet of nursery space. Irrigation water is sourced from a rainwater catchment pond and two permitted wells. A 675,000-gallon pond and 28,000 gallons of hard-sided tanks store water for the project. Estimated annual irrigation water usage is 340,000 gallons. Drying and curing occurs onsite, with all other processing occurring offsite at a licensed facility. Power is provided by solar power and generators. The project is conditioned to transition to 100% renewable power by January 1, 2026, with generators reserved for emergencies only. The project includes a Special Permit for restoration in a streamside management area and a reduced setback to the Six Rivers National Forest.   Not available Video Video
25-290 15. ResolutionOld Harris Farms LLC Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 216-136-006 Record No.: PLN-12573-CUP Alderpoint area A Conditional Use Permit for 19,695 square feet of existing outdoor cannabis cultivation operation with 1,968 square feet of appurtenant nursery space. Irrigation water will be provided by a permitted well and a rainwater catchment pond. Cultivation water is stored in an existing pond (511,000 gallons), and hard tanks (23,750 gallons) for a total of 534,750 gallons. Annual cultivation water use is 186,000 gallons. Drying and curing will occur on-site, all other processing will occur off-site at a licensed processing facility. Electricity is provided by a gas generator, but the project will convert to renewable energy by January 1, 2026, reserving generators for emergency use only. The project includes a Special Permit for actions in a streamside management area.   Not available Video Video