Meeting Name: Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/19/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 825 Fifth Street Board of Supervisors Chambers Eureka, California
Regular Meeting - Hybrid
Published agenda: Agenda (PDF) Agenda (PDF) Published minutes: Action Summary Action Summary  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: 18990 Furtado Supplemental Information 1.pdf, 11099 Marcas Land Co Supplemental for Continuance.pdf, 18945 Robinson 9.16.24.pdf, 18945 Hornsby 9.16.24.pdf, 18945 Hornsby 9.17.24.pdf, 15835 Centeno 9.18.24.pdf, 16341 North Coast Solar Supplemental Information 1.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-1277 11. Informational ReportReview and approval of the June 6, 2024, Action Summary.approved  Action details Not available
24-1278 12. Informational ReportReview and approval of the June 27, 2024, Action Summary.approved  Action details Not available
24-1279 13. Informational ReportReview and approval of the July 18, 2024, Action Summary.approved  Action details Not available
24-1280 14. Informational ReportReview and approval of the August 01, 2024, Action Summary.approved  Action details Not available
24-1281 15. Informational ReportReview and approval of the August 15, 2024, Action Summary.approved  Action details Not available
24-1282 17. ResolutionPaye - Lot Line Adjustment and Conditional Use Permit Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 015-111-006, 015-111-012, 015-111-013 Record No.: PLN-2024-19060 Eureka area A two-year extension to a previously approved Lot Line Adjustment and Conditional Use Permit (PLN-2024-16400) to allow for redevelopment of three commercially zoned parcels with a proposed Mini Storage Center. The previous approval included a General Plan Amendment and Zone Boundary Adjustment whereby the Apartment Professional (R-4) zone was reduced and the Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) zone increased by approximately 30,000 square feet, as well as applying a Qualified (Q) zone to the properties allowing for multiple dwellings; this rezoning action has been completed. The previously approved Lot Line Adjustment would result in two parcels of approximately 2.1 acres (Parcel A) and 5,500 ft.² (Parcel B). Proposed Parcel A was approved to be redeveloped with approximately 37,000 square feet of mini-storage units with the Conditional Use Permit. The approved project included a wetland setback reduction for one oapproved  Action details Not available
24-1283 18. ResolutionParks - Final Map Subdivision Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 510-193-039 Record No.: PLN-2024-19037 McKinleyville area A two-year extension of a Major Subdivision (PLN-2019-15467 and PLN-2020-16880) of one approximately 1.54 acre parcel into nine lots between 5,002 square feet (net) and 11,860 square feet (gross). The site is developed with two single family residences that will remain on proposed Lots 1 and 2, respectively. Pursuant to Section 325-9 of the Subdivision Regulations, an exception request was submitted to allow a reduced right of way width. The parcels will be served with community water and sewer provided by the McKinleyville Community Services District.approved  Action details Not available
24-1284 19. ResolutionCollins/Goldstein - Parcel Map Subdivision Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 509-061-025 Record No.: PLN-2024-19031 McKinleyville area A two-year extension of a previously approved Minor Subdivision and Planned Development Permit (PLN-2022-17740) of an approximately 10-acre parcel into four parcels of approximately 20,000 square feet, 30,830 square feet, 36,989 square feet and 7.97 acres. A Planned Development Permit was approved to allow significantly smaller parcel sizes and clustering of development along the road frontage. This in turn ensures that sufficient area exists to accommodate future residential development observing standard setbacks from riparian and wetland areas associated with Mill Creek, which crosses through the parcel. The site is currently vacant and will be served with community water and sewer provided by the McKinleyville Community Services District. The majority of the parcel is forested with the exception of the northern portion, which was cleared as part of a recent less than 3-acre conversion completed in late 2021. This same area is targetedapproved  Action details Not available
24-1285 110. ResolutionKamino, LLC Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 201-311-016 Record No.: PLN-2019-15835-MOD01 Alton area A Modification to Conditional Use Permit, PLN-2019-15835, proposing to increase annual irrigation water use from 334,000 gallons to 937,000 gallons. Water would be sourced from a 160’ deep well installed in 2018. No additional modifications to the project are proposed.approved  Action details Not available
24-1286 111. ResolutionFurtado Parcel Map Subdivision and Special Permits Assessor Parcel Number: 509-201-047 Record Number: PLN-2024-18990 McKinleyville area A Parcel Map Subdivision to divide an approximately 0.62-acre parcel into two parcels of approximately 0.40 acres (Parcel 1) and 0.22 acres (Parcel 2). No new site development or improvements are proposed. Pursuant to Section 314-99.1.2 H.C.C., a Special Permit is required for Lot Size Modification to allow Parcel 2 to be created below the 10,000 square foot minimum parcel size. An additional Special Permit is required to allow an existing accessory structure on proposed Parcel 2 prior to the construction of a primary residence pursuant to Section 314-43.1 H.C.C. The parcel is served with community water and sewer provided by the McKinleyville Community Services District.approved  Action details Not available
24-1288 113. ResolutionPJC Wellness, LLC Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Number 200-243-010 Record No.: PLN-2023-18808 Fortuna Area A Conditional Use Permit to conduct additional ancillary operations in the form of a microbusiness in the Fortuna Community Planning Area including non-volatile manufacturing, self-distribution, and farm-based retail at offsite special events with no customer traffic. All additional ancillary operations would source cannabis from cultivation occurring onsite, no offsite cannabis is imported. The site contains an existing, approved cannabis permit for 10,000 square feet of mixed light commercial cannabis cultivation with onsite processing. Water source remains unchanged with an existing permitted well. The proposal includes adding rainwater catchment as an irrigation source to provide at least 33% of irrigation needs. If approved, permitted annual water usage will increase to up to 180,000 gallons per year to align with annual use per data from installed water meters. The existing approximate 32,000 gallons of irrigation water tank storage is proposed to increase tapproved  Action details Not available
24-1290 114. ResolutionHumboldt Headless Chicken Ranch Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 218-151-005 Record Numbers: PLN-12015-CUP New Harris area A Conditional Use Permit for 35,650 square feet of existing cannabis cultivation of which 30,106 is outdoor and 5,554 square feet is mixed light. Estimated annual water usage is 420,400 gallons and is sourced from an existing well, a spring, and two rain catchment roofs. Water storage totals 238,000 gallons. Onsite processing is proposed in a building equipped with rainwater catchment gutters. Applicant currently utilizes a generator for energy but is conditioned to transition to a renewable source by January 1, 2026.approved  Action details Not available
24-1291 115. ResolutionGoddess Organics, LLC, Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit Assessor Parcel Number: 208-113-008 & 210-241-005 Record No.: PLN-11590-CUP 3611 Little Larabee Creek Road, Bridgeville area A Conditional Use Permit for 28,625 square feet (SF) of existing commercial cannabis cultivation (including 11,500 SF of mixed light and 17,125 SF of outdoor cultivation) and 2,850 SF of ancillary propagation. Irrigation water is sourced from an offsite stream diversion (APN 210-241-005), two groundwater wells, and rainwater catchment in a proposed 400,000-gallon pond. Existing available water storage is 62,000 gallons in a series of hard-sided tanks and total onsite water storage will be 462,000 gallons with the proposed pond. Estimated annual irrigation water usage is 270,500 gallons. Processing occurs onsite. Power is provided by three generators and supplemented by solar. The applicant will fully convert to solar by the end of 2025 reserving generators for emergency use only. A Special Permit is included for development within the Streamside Management Area for continued use and maintenaapproved  Action details Not available
24-1289 11. ResolutionNorth Coast Highway Solar Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) 204-171-045, 204-171-047, 204-081-002, 204-081-006, 204-081-007, 204-171-001 Record No.: PLN-2020-16341 Alton area A Conditional Use Permit is being requested to authorize construction and operation of a 2.8-megawatt solar photovoltaic power generation facility to produce renewable energy for the power grid. The automated facility would occupy an approximately 11-acre fenced area with arrays of solar panels, single-axis trackers, string inverters, transformers, and associated electrical equipment. Approximately 300 feet of new road is proposed to be developed to connect with a new driveway encroachment along Highway 36, approximately 70 feet west of the existing driveway encroachment. A power line and poles will be run to the site along the driveway route, to allow interconnection to the nearby 12 kilovolt power distribution line located within the highway right-of-way near the driveway encroachment. Approximately 7 acres of the site will be occupied by the solar array. New impervious surfaces totaling approximateapproved with conditionsPass Action details Video Video
24-1343 16. ResolutionMcKinleyville Community Services District BMX Track and Park General Plan Conformance Review Assessor Parcel Number: 508-242-043 Record Number: PLN-2024-19068 McKinleyville area A General Plan Conformance Review for the McKinleyville Community Services District’s proposed development of a BMX track and park, including a bicycling (BMX) racing track, a basketball court, a pickleball court and a bathroom.approvedPass Action details Video Video
24-1287 112. ResolutionCaltrans Boyd Draw Bike Path Coastal Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN): Portion of 507-283-009, County Right of Way, State Highway 101 Right of Way Record No.: PLN-2024-18945 Arcata area A Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for the construction of an approximately eight-foot-wide bike path to connect Heindon Road with Wymore Road at the Boyd Draw Bridge. The planned bike path is approximately 470 feet long and will provide a safe crossing under U.S. 101. The project would require right of way acquisition of approximately 0.28 acres of APN 507-283-009 along the west side of U.S. 101. Per the California Coastal Act, land divisions or lot splits brought about in connection with the purchase of land by a public agency for public recreational use is not considered development, and therefore the acquisition of the right of way does not require a Coastal Development Permit. Construction of the path would involve vegetation and rock slope protection removal, fence installation, grading work, and placement of imported borrow, aggregate base, and happroved with conditionsPass Action details Video Video
24-1292 116. ResolutionMIB 2, LLC Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Number 221-021-026 Record No.: PLN-11543-CUP Salmon Creek Area A Conditional Use Permit for 29,938 square feet of existing outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation and 2,400 square feet of existing mixed light commercial cannabis cultivation totaling 32,838 square feet. The project includes 3,160 square feet of ancillary nursery and onsite relocation and restoration of cultivation areas to environmentally superior locations. Estimated annual water use is 220,000 gallons and sourced from rainwater catchment. Water storage is provided by nine 2,500-gallon poly water and a 250,000-gallon pond for a total of 272,500 gallons of storage. Processing, including trimming, will occur on site. Electricity is provided by a solar array with a generator for emergency backup only. A Special Permit is included because the project is within 600 feet of public lands managed for open space.continuedPass Action details Video Video
24-1293 117. ResolutionMarcas Land Co., Inc. Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 317-033-008-000 Record No.: PLN-11099-CUP Pilot Ridge/Showers Pass area A Conditional Use Permit 19,595 square feet (sf) of pre-existing outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation and 1,142 sf of ancillary nursery area. Processing, including drying and trimming occurs in an existing building on-site. Water for irrigation is sourced from two permitted groundwater wells. The applicant estimates 577,500 gallons of water used for irrigation per year. Off-grid power is supplied by one generator and proposed solar arrays. The project is proposed to be conditioned to transition to 100 percent on-site renewable energy by January 1, 2026.continuedPass Action details Video Video