Meeting date/time:
6:00 PM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
825 Fifth Street
Board of Supervisors Chambers
Eureka, California Regular Meeting - Hybrid
| 1 | 1. | | Informational Report | Review and approval of the February 06, 2025, Action Summary. | | |
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| 1 | 2. | | Informational Report | Review and approval of the February 20, 2025, Action Summary. | | |
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| 1 | 3. | | Resolution | MMF Land V LLC, Conditional Use Permit
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 033-120-009
Record No.: PLN-11971-CUP
Benbow area
An application for a Conditional Use Permit for 33,699 square feet of outdoor and 650 square feet of mixed light commercial cannabis cultivation activities for a total of 34,349 sf and an additional 3,435 sf of ancillary propagation. Water source is two (2) existing rainwater catchment ponds totaling 614,000 gallons. Additional water storage in a series of HDPE tanks totals 227,500 gallons. Annual water usage is 750,000 gallons. Applicant proposes the addition of a well. Processing occurs onsite in an existing residence with a maximum of eight (8) employees. Power is provided by solar panels and battery storage; additionally, applicant has applied for PG&E connectivity. A backup generator will be used as emergency backup | | |
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| 1 | 4. | | Resolution | Kooy Parcel Map Subdivision
Record No.: PLN-2023-18193
APN: 306-102-001
Humboldt Hill area
A Parcel Map Subdivision of an approximately 21,868 square foot parcel into two parcels of approximately 13,795 square feet (Parcel 1) and approximately 8,073 square feet (Parcel 2). The parcel is currently developed with a single-family residence to be sited on proposed Parcel 1 and an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to be sited on Proposed Parcel 2. Both dwellings are served with community water and sewer services provided by Humboldt Community Services District. The property lies within the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Hazard Zone. To address seismic concerns, development rights for accessory dwelling units on both parcels will be conveyed to the County of Humboldt as part of the project. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Resolution | California Trout, Inc. Cannibal Island Restoration Project Conditional Use Permit
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN): Portion of 310-021-003, 310-021-004, 310-033-004, 310-043-001, 310-043-003, 310-043-004, 310-043-005, 310-043-006, and 310-051-001
Record No.: PLN-2023-18855
Loleta area
Conditional Use Permit application for major restoration of Cannibal Island and the surrounding area in the Eel River estuary. Project components will include: removal of an abandoned two-story residential structure; deepening 5,000 linear feet of existing dikes and removal of failed culverts that currently separate full- and muted-tidal areas; reconnection of full tidal exchange to approximately 500 acres of former tidal marsh habitat and construction of inter-tidal lagoons with tidal marsh ridges and inter-tidal channels to create diverse tidal habitats, inset channel rock grade control will be placed along a 20-foot section of channel at the existing road cross along Senestraro Lane to provide passive management of the tidal prism; construction of a new earthen setback levee approximately 6,000 li | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Resolution | Pharming Humboldt Dreams, Special Permit
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 223-241-006
Record No.: PLN-2024-19044
Korbel area
A Special Permit to conduct ancillary operations in the form of a microbusiness that will include non-volatile manufacturing, distribution, a nursery, and a microbusiness in a commercially permitted structure. All additional ancillary operations will source cannabis from cultivation onsite, no offsite cannabis is imported. The site contains an existing, approved cannabis permit for mixed light commercial cannabis cultivation with onsite processing. Water source remains unchanged with an existing rainwater catchment system. Electricity is provided by PG&E and solar. | | |
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| 1 | 7. | | Informational Report | Adopt a Vehicle Miles Traveled Policy by Resolution for CEQA Threshold and Screening Criteria
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 000-000-000
Record No.: LRP-2023-18792
Unincorporated Humboldt County.
Recommend that the Board of Supervisors adopt by resolution a policy establishing a Humboldt County Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) CEQA threshold of significance and screening criteria for new development projects, to comply with California Senate Bill 743. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 1. | | Resolution | Humboldt Sanctuary Farm, LLC Conditional Use Permit
Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 221-071-020
Record Numbers: PLN-12990-CUP
Salmon Creek Area
A Conditional Use Permit for 28,500 square feet of existing outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation supported by a 1,900 square foot ancillary nursery. Estimated annual water usage is 300,000 gallons and is sourced from rainwater catchment. Water storage consists of an approximately 600,000-gallon pond and 9,900 gallons in tanks. Onsite processing is proposed, and electricity is provided by solar and generators. The project is conditioned to transition to renewable energy by January 1, 2026 reserving generator use for emergencies only. The project includes onsite relocation and restoration. | | |
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| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | A Public Workshop on the Inland Lighting Ordinance adding Section 314-105.1 and amending 314-141, 314-142, 314-147, and 314-154 in Chapter 4 of Division 1 of Title III of the County Code to include design guidelines for outdoor lighting to protect unincorporated Humboldt County from light pollution and light trespass.
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 000-000-000
Record No.: LRP-2023-18849
All of the unincorporated areas of Humboldt County. | | |
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