File #: 24-1384    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Informational Report Status: Passed
File created: 9/19/2024 In control: Sheriff
On agenda: 11/12/2024 Final action: 11/12/2024
Title: Law Enforcement, Animal Shelter, and Animal Control Services Agreements with the City of Trinidad
Strategic Framework: 1000 - SAFE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITIES, 1001 - Support and sustain partnerships between public safety and partner agencies to enhance public safety in our communities
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Agreement to provide LE Services, 3. Agreement to provide Animal Shelter Services, 4. Agreement to provide Animal Control Services, 5. Agreement to Provide LE Services - Partially Executed, 6. Agreement to Provide Animal Control Services - Partially Executed, 7. Agreement to Provide Animal Shelter Services - Partially Executed, 8. Executed - Animal Control Agreement_rm, 9. Executed - Animal Shelter Agreement_rm, 10. Executed - LE Agreement_rm

To: Board of Supervisors

From: Sheriff

Agenda Section: Consent

Vote Requirement: Majority

Law Enforcement, Animal Shelter, and Animal Control Services Agreements with the City of Trinidad

That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Retroactively approve, and authorize the Chair of the Board and the Sheriff to execute the attached Law Enforcement Services Agreement with the City of Trinidad for the period of July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2029 (attachment 1); and
2. Retroactively approve, and authorize the Chair of the Board and the Sheriff to execute the attached Animal Shelter Services Agreement with the City of Trinidad for the period of Nov. 1, 2024, to June 30, 2029 (attachment 2); and
3. Retroactively approve, and authorize the Chair of the Board and the Sheriff to execute the attached Animal Control Services Agreement with the City of Trinidad for the period of Nov. 1, 2024, to June 30, 2029 (attachment 3); and
4. Authorize the Sheriff and his designees to recompute the annual cost of law enforcement services, animal shelter services, and animal control services and notice the city of Trinidad of the new annual rates in accordance with the agreements; and
5. Authorize the Chair of the Board and Sheriff to execute any amendments, extensions, or modifications to the Agreements with approval by County Counsel, Risk, and the County Administrative Office.

This action supports the following areas of your Board's Strategic Plan.

Area of Focus: Safe & Healthy Communities
Strategic Plan Category: 1001 -Support and sustain partnerships between public safety and partner agencies to enhance public safety in our communities

Since 2011, the city of Trinidad has contracted with the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) to provide law enforcement services to the incorporated areas of their respective city. They have contracted for Animal Shelter services since 2004 and are add...

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