J and R Ranch, Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit
Record Number PLN-11503-CUP
Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 316-015-006
Willow Creek area
Conditional Use Permit for an existing 14,000-square-foot (SF) outdoor cannabis cultivation operation and a 1,400 SF appurtenant nursery. J and R Ranch also seeks a Special Permit for work completed within a Streamside Management Areas (SMA). The project also includes the permitting of existing facilities appurtenant to the cultivation, and relocation and remediation of a historic guerrilla grow area. Irrigation water is sourced from a 295-foot-deep permitted groundwater well. Existing available water storage capacity is 11,500 gallons in five plastic water tanks. Estimated annual water usage is 240,000 gallons (17.1 gallons/SF/year). Drying occurs onsite in an existing shed and processing will occur offsite at a licensed processing or manufacturing facility. Power is sourced from five onsite generators located in two noise containment sheds.