File #: 25-84    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Informational Report Status: Passed
File created: 12/26/2024 In control: Sheriff
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Public Hearing to Provide the Annual Submission of Data Pertaining to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Access as Outlined in Government Code 7283.1 (d) (Information Only) and Semi-Annual Measure K Submission of Data
Strategic Framework: 1000 - SAFE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITIES, 1001 - Support and sustain partnerships between public safety and partner agencies to enhance public safety in our communities
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. 2024 Measure K Annual Data Report.pdf, 3. Public Notice Confirmation.pdf, 4. 6871452 affidavit.pdf, 5. Lexipol Policy 416 Immigration Violations.pdf, 6. Public Comment - H.3
Previous Action/Referral: 24-753

To: Board of Supervisors

From: Sheriff

Agenda Section: Public Hearing

Vote Requirement: Majority

Public Hearing to Provide the Annual Submission of Data Pertaining to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Access as Outlined in Government Code 7283.1 (d) (Information Only) and Semi-Annual Measure K Submission of Data

That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Find the notice of public hearing was provided as required by law; and
2. Hold the public hearing; and
3. Receive the Sheriff's Office 2024 data of ICE access as outlined in Government Code 7283.1 (d) and Measure K semi-annual data; and
4. Receive public comment.

This action supports the following areas of your Board's Strategic Plan.

Area of Focus: Safe & Healthy Communities
Strategic Plan Category: 1001 -Support and sustain partnerships between public safety and partner agencies to enhance public safety in our communities

California Government Code 7283.1 (d), requires that "beginning January 1, 2018, the local governing body of any county, city, or city and county in which a local law enforcement agency has provided ICE access to an individual during the last year shall hold at least one community forum during the following year, that is open to the public, in an accessible location, and with at least 30 days' notice to provide information to the public about ICE's access to individuals and to receive and consider public comment. As part of this forum, the local law enforcement agency may provide the governing body with data it maintains regarding the number and demographic characteristics of individuals to whom the agency has provided ICE access, the date ICE access was provided, and whether the ICE access was provided through a hold, transfer, or notification request or through other means. Data may be provided in the form of statistics or, if statistics are not maintained, individual records, provided...

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