To: Board of Supervisors
From: County Administrative Office
Agenda Section: Departmental
Vote Requirement: Majority
Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Budget Outlook and Additional Requests for General Fund Appropriations
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Receive an update from the County Administrative Office on the FY 2023-24 budget outlook;
2. Provide direction to staff on the submitted FY 2023-24 Additional Requests for General Fund Appropriations;
3. Following implementation of Phase 2 of the Municipal Resource Group's Classification and Compensation Plan, authorize an immediate moratorium through the end of FY 2023-24 on any and all personnel actions to modify pay (including advance step requests and out of class pay), reclassify positions, and/or position allocations that are not demonstrated to be net neutral (will not cause an increase in expenditures), and are not funded with state/federal dollars, on an ongoing basis;
4. Declare an immediate freeze on hiring staff in the General Fund through the end of FY 2023-24;
5. Authorize the County Administrative Officer and Director of Human Resources to approve exceptions to the hiring freeze utilizing the attached form to request an exception (Attachment 1);
a. When an exception is granted and where possible, encourage a promotional recruitment;
b. Consider an exemption for sworn personnel required to fulfill state, federal or locally mandated services;
6. Provide direction to staff on which Measure Z positions to deallocate that were allocated in FY 2022-23 and remain vacant;
7. Direct the County Administrative Officer to return to your Board with further research on options for reducing the FY 2023-24 budget deficit at the presentation of the FY 2023-24 Proposed Budget (June 6, 2023);
8. Direct the Clerk of the Board to post and publish the required public hearing notice for the FY 2023-24 proposed budget and special district budgets at least 10 days...
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