File #: 25-186    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Reported from Committee
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: Zoning Administrator
On agenda: 2/6/2025 Final action:
Title: Denial of Fifteen (15) Cannabis Permit Applications Due to Lack of Information Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 107-095-003 (12155); 209-321-036 (12624), 209-321-053 (12627), 210-044-002 (12749), 210-044-044 (12557), 210-051-042 (12276), 210-071-006 (13103), 210-042-014 (10771), 212-311-003 (12364), 215-202-041 (13109), 216-022-023 (11902), 216-134-012 (12918), 217-034-004 (11798), 217-181-029 (12012), and 217-281-001 (13287). Record Numbers: PLN-12155-CUP, PLN-12624-SP, PLN-12627-SP, PLN-12749-CUP, PLN-12557-CUP, PLN-12276-SP, PLN-13103-ZCC, PLN-10771-CUP, PLN-12364-CUP, PLN-13109-SP, PLN-11902-ZCC, PLN-12918-CUP, PLN-11798-CUP, PLN-12012-SP, and PLN-13287-CUP. Location: In the unincorporated areas of Humboldt County. Denial of Eight (8) Conditional Use Permits, Five (5) Special Permits, and Two (2) Zoning Clearance Certificates.
Attachments: 1. 15 Denial Staff Report 2.6.25, 2. Attachment 1 - Project Locations, 3. Attachment 2 - Draft Resolution - Forever Honeydew Farms 12155, 4. Attachment 3 - Draft Resolution - William Daman 12624, 5. Attachment 4 - Draft Resolution - William Daman 12627, 6. Attachment 5 - Draft Resolution - Bear Farms LLC 12749, 7. Attachment 6 - Draft Resolution - Humboldt Organic Farms, LLC 12557, 8. Attachment 7 - Draft Resolution - Affordable Cultivation Cooperative, Inc 12276, 9. Attachment 8 - Draft Resolution - Bear Farms LLC 13103, 10. Attachment 9 - Draft Resolution - Humboldt's Finest 420 Collective 10771, 11. Attachment 10 - Draft Resolution - Hrabar Todorov 12364, 12. Attachment 11 - Draft Resolution - Humboldt Best Buds LLC 13109, 13. Attachment 12 - Draft Resolution - Long Creek Ranch, LLC 11902, 14. Attachment 13 - Draft Resolution - Emerald Mountain Organics, LLC 12918, 15. Attachment 14 - Draft Resolution - DT Farms Group, Inc. 11798, 16. Attachment 15 - Draft Resolution - Sequoia River Farms, LLC 12012, 17. Attachment 16 - Draft Resolution - NOM-RAM, LLC 13287, 18. ZA Resolution 25-010_Forever Honeydew Farms_12155, 19. ZA Resolution 25-011_William Daman_12624, 20. ZA Resolution 25-012_William Daman_12627, 21. ZA Resolution 25-013_Bear Farms_12749, 22. ZA Resolution 25-014_Humboldt Organic Farms_12557, 23. ZA Resolution 25-015_Affordable Cultivation Cooperative, Inc 12276, 24. ZA Resolution 25-016_Bear Farms_13103, 25. ZA Resolution 25-017_Humboldt's Finest 420 Collective_10771, 26. ZA Resolution 25-018_Hrabar Todorov_12364, 27. ZA Resolution 25-019_Humboldt Best Buds_13109, 28. ZA Resolution 25-020_Long Creek Ranch_11902, 29. ZA Resolution 25-021_Emerald Mountain Organics_12918, 30. ZA Resolution 25-022_DT Farms Group_11798, 31. ZA Resolution 25-023_Sequoia River Farms_12012, 32. ZA Resolution 25-024_NOM-RAM_13287, 33. 12364 Margro Advisors 2.4.25, 34. 12364 Peter Popov 2.5.25, 35. 11902 Erin Larsen and Family 2.5.25
To: Zoning Administrator

From: Planning and Building Department

Agenda Section: Consent

Denial of Fifteen (15) Cannabis Permit Applications Due to Lack of Information

Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 107-095-003 (12155); 209-321-036 (12624), 209-321-053 (12627), 210-044-002 (12749), 210-044-044 (12557), 210-051-042 (12276), 210-071-006 (13103), 210-042-014 (10771), 212-311-003 (12364), 215-202-041 (13109), 216-022-023 (11902), 216-134-012 (12918), 217-034-004 (11798), 217-181-029 (12012), and 217-281-001 (13287).

Record Numbers: PLN-12155-CUP, PLN-12624-SP, PLN-12627-SP, PLN-12749-CUP, PLN-12557-CUP, PLN-12276-SP, PLN-13103-ZCC, PLN-10771-CUP, PLN-12364-CUP, PLN-13109-SP, PLN-11902-ZCC, PLN-12918-CUP, PLN-11798-CUP, PLN-12012-SP, and PLN-13287-CUP.

Location: In the unincorporated areas of Humboldt County.

Denial of Eight (8) Conditional Use Permits, Five (5) Special Permits, and Two (2) Zoning Clearance Certificates.

That the Zoning Administrator:

1. Adopt the resolutions (Resolution 25-__), (Attachment 2-16) which does the following:

a. Finds the cannabis permit application projects are statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per section 15270 (Projects Which Are Disapproved) of the State CEQA Guidelines; and

b. Finds the applicant has not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate the proposed projects comply with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; and

c. Denies the Eight (8) Conditional Use Permits, Five (5) Special Permits, and Two (2) Zoning Clearance Certificates. PLN-12155-CUP, PLN-12624-SP, PLN-12627-SP, PLN-12749-CUP, PLN-12557-CUP, PLN-12276-SP, PLN-13103-ZCC, PLN-10771-CUP, PLN-12364-CUP, PLN-13109-SP, PLN-11902-ZCC, PLN-12918-CUP, PLN-11798-CUP, PLN-12012-SP, and PLN-13287-CUP.

Environmental Review: The proposed projects are statutorily exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per s...

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