To: Board of Supervisors
From: Sheriff
Agenda Section: Consent
Sheriff Measure Z Position Reallocation
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve the allocation of 1.0 full-time (FTE) Program Coordinator position (salary range 421, class 1425) in budget unit 297 effective immediately; and
2. Approve the deallocation of 1.0 FTE Senior Legal Office Assistant position (salary range 347, class 0168) in budget unit 297.
Measure Z funds
At the request of the Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services (OES), Human Resources initiated a classification review of the vacant Sheriff's Measure Z Senior Legal Office Assistant position. The duties of this vacant position include:
* Schedule, coordinate, and facilitate trainings and exercises for Emergency Operations Center (EOC) personnel and operational area partners.
* Coordinate community partnerships and volunteers, including Community Emergency Response Team, Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, and Disaster Service Worker Volunteer programs.
* Maintain and develop EOC technology & communications. Serve as Situation Unit Leader or in other roles as assigned during EOC activations. Assist with public information and warning during emergencies.
* Represent OES in meetings with and presentations to local, state, and federal response partners and the media.
* Provide backup to OES Manager, including after-hours on-call relief.
In order to attract a qualified candidate, with the knowledge and expertise required of this position, Human Resources has recommended that the position be reclassified to Program Coordinator. This revised position classification will also provide for a candidate who is able to assist the Emergency Services Manager in the event of an emergency.
The reallocation of the Senior Legal Office Assistant to a Program Coordinator position will increase salary an...
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