Tawnya Morris Minor Subdivision;
Record Number PLN-2019-15937 (filed 10/29/2019)
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 402-061-028
Eureka/Indianola Area
A Minor Subdivision to divide an approximately 5.27-acre parcel into two parcels. The parcel being divided is currently vacant and was created through a previous parcel map filed on October 6, 1978. The proposed re-subdivision will result in two parcels of approximately 2.63 and 2.64 acres in size. Installation of individual on-site waste treatment systems (OWTS) for sewage disposal is anticipated to occur during future residential development and an existing well on an adjacent property will serve as the water source for both parcels. Access to proposed Parcel 1 is available from Pomeroy Hollow Road. Access to both parcels will also be provided using an existing private road on the adjacent property to the north (APN 402-061-012), which is proposed to be extended by approximately 250 feet to connect with the parcel being divided. Note: a similar minor subdivision of 9.47-acres has been separately submitted on this parcel (PLN-2019-15935) and proposes division of a 9.47-acre parcel into three parcels. Pursuant to Section 325-9 of the Humboldt County Code, an exception to right of way width and improvements has been requested. The project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15183 of the State CEQA Guidelines, applicable to projects that are consistent with a Community Plan, General Plan, or Zoning.
Adopt the Resolution to take the following actions: 1) Find the project exempt from further environmental review pursuant to Section 15183 of the State CEQA Guidelines, 2) make all of the required findings for approval of the Parcel Map Subdivision, including the exception request for reduced right-of-way width and improvements, based on evidence in the staff report, 3) and approve the Tawnya Morris project subject to the recommended conditions.