Jim Cables, Parcel Map Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment Extension (21-31)
Case Number PLN-2020-16349
Assessor Parcel Numbers 301-052-002; 301-052-012; 301-052-035
4629 Union Street, Eureka area
A two-year extension to a previously approved Parcel Map Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment, originally approved June 21, 2018. The project includes a Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) between 2 existing parcels, resulting in 2 parcels of 0.62 acres and 3.77 acres. The purpose of the LLA is to remedy a structure that crosses a property line. The smaller parcel adjusted by the LLA is developed with four residences. The larger parcel is developed with five existing residences and will be divided into 3 parcels. Parcel 1 will be 12,237 square feet in size (0.28 acres), vacant and suitable for residential development. Parcel 2 will be 26,793 square feet in size (0.62 acres) and will contain 4 existing residences. Parcel 3 will be 125,721 square feet in size (2.89 acres) and contain 1 existing residence. All parcels are or will be served with community water and sewer provided by the Humboldt Community Services District. No change to the original project is proposed. This is the first extension requested, and if approved, the extension will expire on July 3, 2022.
Move to make all of the required findings, based on evidence in the staff report, and approve the application(s) on the Consent Agenda subject to the recommended conditions of approval.