To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Public Hearing
Thompson Zone Reclassification, ZR-16-007, Assessor Parcel Number 522-272-006, Willow Creek area (4/5 Vote Required)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Introduce Ordinance No. _____ (Attachment 2) by title and waive further reading;
2. Open the public hearing, receive and consider the staff report, the Planning Commission's recommendation and accept public comments;
3. Close the public hearing;
4. Consider the Addendum to the General Plan Update Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) (Attachment 6);
5. Make the necessary findings approving the proposed zone reclassification and adopt by 4/5ths vote Resolution No. __ (Attachment 1) and Ordinance No. __ (Attachment 2), amending Section 311-7 of the Humboldt County Code by reclassifying approximately 10 acres in the Willow Creek area from Agricultural General (AG) to Community Commercial (C-2) and Flood Plain (FP);
6. Direct the Clerk of the Board to publish a summary of the Ordinance within 15 days after the adoption of the Ordinance;
7. Direct the Clerk of the Board to give notice of the decision to the applicant, the Assessor's office, County Counsel, the Planning Division, and any other interested party; and
8. Direct Planning Division staff to prepare and file a Notice of Determination pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Applicant fees.
An application has been made by Tyler Thompson, the property owner, to rezone an approximately 10 acre parcel (APN 522-272-006) from Agricultural General (AG) to Community Commercial (C-2) and Flood Plain (FP), consistent with the General Plan designation of Commercial Services (CS) and Conservation Floodway (CF). Reclassifying the subject parcel's zone as C-2 and FP is consistent with the updated General Plan designation of CS and...
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