To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Public Hearing
Vote Requirement: Majority
Knapek Zone Reclassification
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 107-091-007 and 107-096-002
Record No.: PLN-2022-17796
Honeydew Area
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Open the public hearing, receive staff presentation, and receive public comment; and
2. Close the public comment portion of the hearing; and
3. Deliberate on the Zone Reclassification; and
Make a motion to take the following actions:
4. Adopt the resolution (Resolution 23-___) (Attachment 1) finding the Zone Reclassification exempt from CEQA analysis, making findings in support of approval; and
5. Adopt the Ordinance Amending Section 311-7 of the Humboldt County Code by Rezoning Property in the Honeydew Area (Attachment 3) to approve the Zone Reclassification of 35 acres on APN 107-091-007 from Agriculture Exclusive (AE-B-5(160)) to Timberland Production Zone (TPZ), and 40 acres on APN 107-096-002 from Agriculture Exclusive (AE-B-5(160)) to Timberland Production Zone (TPZ); and
6. Direct the Clerk of the Board to give notice of the decision to Brent and Karla Knapek, the Planning and Building Department, and any other interested party.
Applicant fees. (1100282)
The applicant requests a Zone Reclassification to rezone approximately 75 acres on two properties from Agriculture Exclusive into Timberland Production Zone (TPZ). There are no issues associated with this request as the land being rezoned is Timberland. On June 1, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended the Board of Supervisors approve the application with a 5-0 vote.
The parcels have a total acreage of 120 acres (Parcel 107-091-007 is 80 acres and Parcel 107-096-002 is 40 acres). Presently 40 acres of Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 107-091-007 is zoned AE-B-5(160) and all of APN 107-096-002 is zoned AE-B-5(160). ...
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