To: Board of Supervisors
From: Sheriff
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Continuation of Local Emergency Due to Consecutive Major Winter Storm Events Commencing on March 1, 2023, Which Have Resulted in Large Accumulations of Snow, Impassable Roadways, Downed Trees, Disrupted Utility Services, Damaged and Flooded Roadways, Mudslides and Damaged Structures, and Dead Livestock, Such Damages Exceeding Available County Resources
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Declare that a local emergency still exists through August 8, 2023 due to consecutive major winter storm events commencing on March 1, 2023, which have resulted in large accumulations of snow, impassable roadways, downed trees, disrupted utility services, damaged and flooded roadways, mudslides and damaged structures, and dead livestock, such damages exceeding available county resources; and
2. Authorize the Chair to sing the resolution re-authorizing the existence of a local emergency due to consecutive major winter storm events commencing on March 1, 2023, which have resulted in large accumulations of snow, impassable roadways, downed trees, disrupted utility services, damaged and flooded roadways, mudslides and damaged structures, and dead livestock, such damages exceed available county resources.
General Fund (1100)
On March 7, 2023 Sheriff William Honsal declared the existence of a local emergency (per Ordinance 2447) due to an imminent threat to public safety and significant damages to public and private property caused by consecutive major winter storm events commencing on March 1, 2023, which have resulted in large accumulations of snow, impassable roadways, downed trees, disrupted utility services, damaged and flooded roadways, mudslides and damaged structures, and dead livestock, such damages exceeding available county resources. As the local emergency due to consecutive ma...
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