Emerald Coast Genetics, Inc.; Conditional Use Permit, Special Permit
Record Number PLN-10559-CUP
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 314-131-033
12395 Fickle Hill Road, Kneeland area
A Conditional Use Permit for 11,440 square feet of mixed light cannabis cultivation. Cultivation will take place in existing and proposed greenhouses, including on-site relocation of existing outdoor cultivation consolidated onto existing graded flats within greenhouses. Ancillary propagation activities will take place in a proposed 660 sf lean-to structure, and in the first story of the existing 2,640 sf permitted shop. This project includes a Special Permit for a setback reduction from public lands owned by the City of Arcata to allow cultivation within 150 feet of the public lands. The permitted, existing, two-story, 2,640 sf shop on site is proposed to be used for propagation activities, and as an employee break room. Processing will occur off-site at a licensed facility. Water is sourced from a permitted, on-site well, and estimated annual water use is 123,355 gallons. Water storage totals 6,500 gallons. Power is supplied by PG&E with a backup generator within a shed.
Adopt the resolution finding the Commission has considered the Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted for the Commercial Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance pursuant to Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines, making all of the required findings for approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit and approving the proposed Emerald Coast Genetics, Inc., project subject to the recommended conditions.