To: Planning Commission
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Organic Liberty CA, LLC Conditional Use Permit Modification, Special Permit, and Zoning Clearance Certificates
Assessor Parcel Number: 524-091-009 and 524-101-025 (one separate legal parcel)
Record Number: PLN-2024-19054
Willow Creek Area
Organic Liberty CA, LLC operates a permitted outdoor cannabis cultivation operation located near the junction of Friday Ridge Road and California State Route 299, south/southeast of the community of Willow Creek. The existing project approval (PLN-12376-CUP) consists of four Conditional Use Permits (CUP16-656, CUP17-042, CUP17-043, and CUP17-044) that allow for ?3.3 acres (143,748 square feet) of outdoor full-sun cannabis cultivation. Organic Liberty CA, LLC proposes a modification to the approved permits to adjust the cultivation boundary and expand the cultivation area by ?0.7 acres (?4 acres total). As a result of the Project, cultivation at the facility would now comprise ?2.4 acres of outdoor full-sun cultivation in raised beds, ?0.7 acres (31,500 square feet) of outdoor light deprivation cultivation in hoop houses, and ?0.9 acres (37,900 square feet) of mixed-light cultivation in greenhouses. In addition, Organic Liberty CA, LLC requests Zoning Clearance Certificates for commercial cannabis nursery, cannabis processing, and cannabis distribution, and a Special Permit for non-flammable cannabis manufacturing, all within new steel buildings (?11,700 square feet). Water is sourced from three wells and 12 5,000-gallon rain catchment tanks. 2,264,664 gallons of water will be required each year for irrigation.
That the Planning Commission:
Adopt the resolution (Attachment 1), which does the following:
1. Adopts the Negative Declaration prepared for the Organic Liberty CA, LLC project modification pursuant to Section 15074 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and
2. Finds the propo...
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