To: Board of Supervisors
From: Human Resources
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Implementation of Municipal Resource Group (MRG) Phase 2 and Removal of Unused 37.5-hour classifications.
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve the implementation of the Phase 2 equity increases effective the pay period following Board approval, by assigning the following classifications to the following salary ranges:
* Assistant Auditor-Controller (class # 0646) from salary range 523 to 543
* Employment and Training Program Coordinator (class # 0765) from salary range 439 to 454
* Employment and Training Supervisor (class # 0724) from salary range 466 to 474
* Employment and Training Worker I (class # 0722A) from salary range 360 to 404
* Employment and Training Worker II (class # 0722B) from salary range 402 to 424
* Employment and Training Worker III (class # 0723) from salary range 416 to 444
* Executive Secretary (class # 0163) from salary range 371 to 374
* Senior Investigator - District Attorney (class # 0405) from salary range 498 to 511
* Senior Mental Health Clinician (class # 0917) from salary range 488 to 489
* Senior Staff Services Manager (class # 0394) from salary range 494 to 520
* Senior Substance Abuse Counselor (class # 0492) from salary range 400 to 417
* Senior Vocational Counselor (class # 1734) from salary range 415 to 434
* Senior Welfare Investigator (class # 0741) from salary range 487 to 498
* Social Worker I (class # 0727A) from salary range 382 to 409
* Social Worker II (class # 0727B) from salary range 407 to 429
* Social Worker III - MSS (class # 0727C) from salary range 423 to 449
* Social Worker III - County (class # 0777C) from salary range 423 to 449
* Social Worker IV A (class # 0707A) from salary range 433 to 459
* Social Worker IV B (class # 0707B) from salary range 447 to 469
* Social Worker IV C (class # 0707C) from salary range 449 to 479
* Social Worker ...
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