To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Wiyot Tribe and McKinleyville Community Services District to Establish a Cooperative Government-to-Government Relationship Regarding the McKinleyville Regenerative and Transformative Community
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Review, approve, and authorize the Board Chair to sign the attached Memorandum of Understanding with the Wiyot Tribe and McKinleyville Community Services District for assistance in pre-planning affordable housing in McKinleyville.
2. Provide the Planning and Building Department with the notice of action and executed documents.
(1100277) Current Planning Budget to be reimbursed by grant funding.
The Wiyot Tribe is applying for grant funds from the Department of Conservation and California Strategic Growth Council for the McKinleyville Regenerative and Transformative Community Project (MRTC). The MRTC aims to develop walkable, mixed-use and transit-oriented affordable housing and green infrastructure projects to alleviate the region's housing burden, improve health and environmental outcomes and create high-quality jobs, with a focus on serving indigenous, elderly and low-income residents. This pre-planning grant has the following activities:
1. Property evaluation and selection, including environmental, historical and cultural evolution, title issues etc.
2. Pre-development planning, including engineering, architectural, traffic analysis, landscape architecture and restoration planning.
3. Community interaction and participation activities, including outreach meetings, translations, newsletters and updates on-line and/or in print, and tribal citizen participation opportunities.
4. Creating a Collaborative Governance Structure for a Transformative Climate Communities Implementa...
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