To: Board of Supervisors
From: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Improvement Plans for Portion of Bald Hills Road Post Mile 13.46 to 16.05 for Yurok Tribe; Federal
Aid Project Number CA FLAP TR10099(1); Contract Number 321609
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Accept the completed contract, including all change orders approved by the Public Works Department, between Kernen Construction and Humboldt County for construction of Improvement Plans for Portion of Bald Hills Road Post Mile 13.46 to 16.05 for Yurok Tribe; and
2. Approve the final claim for payment, as submitted by the Public Works Department to the Auditor/Controller, in the amount of $165.99, which will bring the total amount paid to 100 percent of the contract.
Road Fund (1200); Federal Highway Administration Central Federal Lands Access Program; Yurok Tribe
This project placed asphalt surfacing and traffic striping on a 2.7-mile section of Bald Hills Road to stabilize and protect the roadway, create safer road conditions, and reduce road maintenance requirements, dust generation, erosion, and sediment runoff. The work included traffic control, clearing and grubbing, replacing existing culverts, and placing hot mix asphalt surfacing, hot mix asphalt dike and thermoplastic striping.
Bald Hills Road provides access to Six Rivers National Forest, Lyons Ranch Historic Site trailhead and School House Peak in Redwood National and State Parks and to the Yurok Indian Reservation. Humboldt County owns and maintains the road, which has been designated a Yurok scenic byway by the Yurok Tribe. The road begins at US Highway 101, just north of the town of Orick, and terminates where the Martins Ferry Bridge crosses the Klamath River on the Yurok Indian Reservation. The Tribe and county have utilized various funding sources to design and construct improvements since 2007, in a coordinated ef...
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