To: Board of Supervisors
From: DHHS: Public Health
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Renewal of California COVID Network of California Laboratories for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Whole Genome Sequencing (COVIDNet) Platform State Standard Agreement with California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve the State Standard Agreement with CDPH regarding access to the COVIDNet Platform; and
2. Authorize the Director of Public Health, or a designee thereof, to sign the State Standard Agreement; and
3. Authorize the Director of Public Health, or a designee thereof, to sign all future amendments and documents directly related to the State Standard Agreement upon review and approval of the County Administrative Office (CAO), County Counsel and Risk Management.
This action supports the following areas of your Board's Strategic Plan.
Area of Focus: Safe & Healthy Communities
Strategic Plan Category: 1001 -Support and sustain partnerships between public safety and partner agencies to enhance public safety in our communities
SARS-CoV-2 is a contagious virus that causes COVID-19, a respiratory illness that led to the COVID-19 pandemic. CDPH implemented COVIDNet in 2021 to aid in conducting whole genome sequencing of COVID-19 specimens to better inform outbreak investigations and public health surveillance. COVIDNet transformed how laboratory scientists and epidemiologists approached the detection, characterization and investigation of SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission and containment, allowing California health jurisdictions to better trace and track outbreaks, including those that would have previously gone undetected, to inform public health action pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 100325.
The COVIDNet State Standard Agreement sets forth the understandings and obligations o...
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