PG&E After-the-fact Coastal Development Permit
Record Number PLN-14376-CDP (filed 09/24/2020)
Adjacent to Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 517-041-016
Trinidad Area
An after-the-fact Coastal Development Permit which includes modification of an existing electric distribution facility previously constructed without permits. Proposed modifications to the facility consist of the following: removal of one 45-foot-tall utility pole, replacement of two 45-foot-tall utility poles with 55-foot-tall poles, installation of a new 55-foot-tall pole and 3 platform mounted voltage regulators. The poles were installed within the County right-of-way and near the driveway that serves parcel 517-041-016. An existing utility pole is located 8-feet south of the existing driveway and will remain in place. The design standards for allowable pole sizes for platform mounted voltage regulators has changed to a 55-foot-tall pole, while the previous standards allowed for a 45-foot-tall pole, driving the need for the height increase of the existing facility. PG&E is proposing to install three (3) 55-foot-tall poles in accordance with these standards. These new poles would be 10-feet taller than the existing 45-foot-tall poles. Additionally, the height of the conductor and distribution line would change from 39-feet to 47-feet. The voltage regulators and other equipment will remain at approximately the same height. The development does not qualify for the repair and maintenance exclusion under Coastal Act Section 30610(d) because the new poles are an expansion of the existing pole layout that supports the existing electric distribution line. No major vegetation removal occurred as part of the installation of the existing poles. The Humboldt County Planning Commission will consider the project which is exempt per ?15303(e) of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Adopt the resolution to 1) find the project subject to a Categorical Exemption (Section 15303(d)), 2) make all of the r...
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