To: Planning Commission
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Humboldt Heritage Farm Management, LLC, Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit
Assessor Parcel Number: 220-091-022-000
Record Number: PLN-12076-CUP
Ettersburg area
A Conditional Use Permit for 20,400 square feet (SF) of existing outdoor cultivation that is cultivated within thirty-two (32) hoop house style greenhouses utilizing light deprivation techniques and 1,791 SF of ancillary propagation. Irrigation water is sourced from a 300,000-gallon rainwater catchment pond and a spring diversion. Existing available water storage is 447,850 gallons in the pond and a series of hard-sided (metal and HDPE) tanks. Estimated annual water usage is 345,000 gallons. Drying and curing occurs onsite in a 1,300-square-foot dry shed and a two-story, 3,000 square-foot multi-use building. All other processing will occur off-site at a licensed processing or manufacturing facility, until such time a structure is permitted onsite. A maximum of six (6) people may be onsite during peak operations. Power is currently provided by solar and a generator, with a second generator utilized for backup; however, the applicant has long-term plans to convert to PG&E power by 2026. The proposed project also includes a Special Permit for development within the Streamside Management Area for continued use and maintenance of the point of diversion.
That the Planning Commission continue the item to the January 16, 2025, meeting.