To: Board of Supervisors
From: Human Resources
Agenda Section: Consent
Amendment to the Management and Confidential (M/C) Compensation Plan, Reallocation of One (1.0) Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Staff Services Analyst III (M/C) to Supervising Staff Services Analyst (M/C)
That the Board of Supervisors adopt Resolution No. ____:
1. Approving the amendment to the compensation plan between the County of Humboldt and Management and Confidential (M/C) employees for Units 8-9 to include the Merit System Services (MSS) classification of Supervising Staff Services Analyst (class 0393, range 473, bargaining unit 09) effective the pay period following Board approval; and
2. Approving the reallocation of one (1.0) full-time equivalent (FTE) Staff Services Analyst III (M/C) (class 0396, range 460, unit 09) in budget unit 511, occupied by Cynthia Hammers, to one (1.0) FTE Supervising Staff Services Analyst (M/C) (class 0393, range 473, unit 09) effective the pay period following Board approval.
Social Services Fund #1160
Merit System Services (MSS) manages Social Services for 25 California counties, including Humboldt County. In July 2018, a Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) was submitted to MSS for review of the Management and Confidential (M/C) classification of Staff Services Analyst III (class 0396, range 460, unit 09) in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) - Employee Services division, currently held by Cynthia Hammers. On October 25, 2018, MSS issued a letter to Connie Beck, Director of DHHS, stating that the duties being performed by the Staff Services III (M/C) incumbent appear to be beyond the scope of the Staff Services III (M/C) classification. MSS is recommending that the current incumbent, Cynthia Hammers, be reclassified to a Supervising Staff Services Analyst and that the position be designated as confidential (M/C).
Additionally, the ...
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