To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Departmental
Vote Requirement: Majority
Revised Proposal for Completion of the Countywide Climate Action Plan
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Authorize the redrafting of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) such that it can be a Qualified Climate Action Plan.
2. Allow the funds provided by a REAP grant through Humboldt County Association Of Governments (HCAOG) to be used for revision to the CAP rather than preparation of an EIR.
The revision to the CAP will be paid for by REAP funding obtained from HCAOG. The staff time will be paid for by the existing budget allocation for the Long-Range Planning.
This is a request to allow the Draft Climate Action Plan to be modified such that it can be a Qualified CAP, and to allow money allocated for preparation of the environmental impact report (EIR) for the CAP to be used for this revision. Attachment 1 is a discussion explaining the complications which have been encountered in proceeding to adoption of the CAP. In summary many of the goals and measures in the CAP are overly ambitious. When these are sized to be achievable, the CAP does not achieve Qualified Status. A qualified CAP achieves the state goals for greenhouse gas reductions. The proposal in Attachment 1 is being provided to all stakeholder jurisdictions for consideration.
Staff has solicited a proposal from Rincon, the consultant hired to complete the EIR, to make modifications to the CAP. The proposal will do two primary things: redo the inventory of greenhouse gases to eliminate those baseline emissions which are not under local government control, and; design measures and goals to achieve a qualified CAP. A point of controversy has been whether to include point sources in the inventory. In consultation with Rincon, it is debatable whether there is sufficient local control o...
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