To: Board of Supervisors
From: Clerk of the Board
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Notice of Unscheduled At-Large Vacancy on the Humboldt County Headwaters Fund Board
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Receive and file the vacancy notice.
This action supports the following areas of your Board's Strategic Plan.
Area of Focus: A Diverse, Equitable & Robust Economy
Strategic Plan Category: 2001 - Promote strong economic resiliency and growth
An unscheduled at-large vacancy has opened on the Humboldt County Headwaters Fund Board following Serah Blackstone-Fredericks' decision to decline their appointment to this board.
The vacancy has been posted and applications are being accepted by the Clerk of the Board's office.
Pursuant to Section 8.b of the Headwaters Fund Board Manual, "the Headwaters Fund Board shall make recommendations for reappointment of the Board of Supervisors who may then accept the reappointment by a majority vote. In the event a recommendation for reappointment is rejected by the Board of Supervisors, the seat shall be deemed vacant at the expiration of the term and the selection process as defined in Section 5 shall commence."
Headwaters Fund Board members are initially recommended to the Board of Supervisors by the Headwaters Fund Board Selection Subcommittee composed of the County Administrative Officer or their designee, the Treasurer-Tax Collector and two Supervisors. Supervisor Bohn and Supervisor Wilson currently serve on this subcommittee.
This subcommittee typically meets to review and conduct interviews of applicants. After this process is complete, an agenda item will be brought forth with a recommendation.
This process does not fall under the revised protocol for the Board of Supervisors Appointments that was amended on Jan. 7, 2025. Therefore, a timeline for appointment is not included.
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