To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Departmental
Temporary Employment of Retired Annuitant as Administrative Services Manager in the Planning and Building Department
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve the employment of Paula Mushrush as a temporary retired annuitant Administrative Services Manager with the Planning and Building Department (class 0775, salary range 480, step E) is necessary to fill a critically needed position and that Ms. Mushrush's employment as a temporary retired annuitant is needed before the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) 180-day wait period has expired; and
2. Adopt the attached resolution for an exception to the 180-day wait period.
Grants and General Fund
Administrative Services Manager, Paula Mushrush, retires from county employment on Dec. 31, 2018 with 18 years of experience working with the Planning and Building Department. Specifically, Paula Mushrush has overseen millions of dollars in housing grants and has been instrumental in implementing the housing program. In her position as Administrative Services Manager she has been pivotal in implementing the departmental budget, development of the fee schedule, and financial processes associated with roll-out of new permitting software.
The department has been working with Human Resources for nearly a year to better define two positions, the Administrative Services Manager and the Program Manager for the housing program. Due to the time taken to resolve these positions the department has not been able to recruit for and fill these positions. At this point Paula is the only person in the department with experience implementing grants and the housing program. Retaining Paula Mushrush as a retired annuitant will allow her to train a new person to take on these duties. The beginning of the yea...
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