To: Zoning Administrator
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Public Hearing
Salmonid Restoration Federation Conditional Use Permit
Assessor Parcel Number: 222-084-004-000 and 222-085-002-000
Record Number: PLN-2022-18036
Arcata area
A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for constructing a 5 million gallon off-channel water storage pond and associated plumbing infrastructure designed to deliver approximately 15 gallons per minute of flow augmentation to La Doo Creek and thence Sproul Creek during the 5-month dry season to improve instream aquatic habitat. Storage will be in the one pond filled with wet-season runoff including rainwater catchment and water delivered from a small tributary. Other ancillary project components include road surfacing and stream crossing upgrades along 0.9 miles of forest road leading to the diversion and construction of a grid-intertie solar power system. Approximately 22,500 cubic yards of grading is required and will be balanced on-site. The project will a encompass 7.62-acre area.
That the Zoning Administrator:
1. Adopt the resolution (Resolution 23-__). (Attachment 1) which does the following:
a. Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the Salmonid Restoration Federation project pursuant to Section 15074 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and
b. Make all required findings for approval of the Conditional Use Permit; and
c. Approve the Salmonid Restoration Federation Conditional Use Permit as recommended by staff and subject to the recommended conditions of approval (Attachment 1A) and subject to the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program in Attachment 1B.
Project Location: The project is located in Humboldt County, in the Garberville area, on the South side of Old Somerville Creek Road, approximately four miles South from the intersection of Old Briceland Road and Old Somerville Creek Road, on the property known ...
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