To: Board of Supervisors
From: County Administrative Office
Agenda Section: Time Certain Matter
Vote Requirement: Majority
9:30 AM - Adoption of 2025 Legislative Platform
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Provide input and direction to staff as desired regarding the proposed state and federal legislative platforms for 2025; and
2. Provide input and direction as desired on state and federal policy issues to receive priority advocacy services; and
3. Prioritize congressional and state direct funding requests; and
4. Adopt the proposed state and federal legislative platforms, incorporating any changes desired by the Board, as the final platforms for 2025; and
5. Direct the County Administrative Officer to submit the final version of the legislative platform to the state and federal officials, county-related associations and others, as appropriate; and
6. Authorize and direct the County Administrative Officer to advocate as needed to support the county's legislative platform, and resolutions adopted by the Board.
This action supports the following areas of your Board's Strategic Plan.
Area of Focus: Sustainable Natural Resources & Infrastructure Stewardship
Strategic Plan Category: 5001 - Enhance climate adaptation landscapes and communities
Each year, Humboldt County departments review and recommend state and federal legislation that would improve and enhance county financing, operation, and efficiency in service delivery. The county contracts with Shaw/Yoder/Antwih/Schmelzer/Lange (SYASL) to provide state legislative advocacy on behalf of the county and to advise departments on legislative proposals. In late September, Karen Lange of SYASL met with a number of department heads regarding particular state issues and also spoke to your Board regarding the county's legislative advocacy efforts during the 2024 session of the California Legislature. SYASL later re...
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