To: Board of Supervisors
From: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Purchase of One 2019 Gradall XL 3100V, Authorization to Enter into Purchase Agreement, Declare Equipment Surplus and Approve the Supplemental Budget (4/5 Vote Required)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Authorize the purchase of one 2019 Gradall XL 3100V;
2. Authorize the Purchasing Agent to enter into a purchase agreement with Pape Machinery;
3. Declare one 1988 Gradall G3WD, equipment number 41854 as surplus; and
4. Approve the attached supplemental budget (4/5 vote required).
Roads Heavy Equipment ISF (3540330)
The Humboldt County Public Works, Heavy Equipment Division is requesting authorization to enter into a purchase agreement for one 2019 Gradall XL 3100V. The 2019 Gradall will replace the existing non-California Air Resource Board (CARB) compliant 1988 Gradall, with CARB compliant equipment. The cost to fix the older unit has progressively increased due to the lack of availability of replacement parts. Should the Board choose to declare the 1988 Gradall, equipment number 41854 as surplus, it will be cannibalized and used as parts for the current fleet. The replacement unit will meet the requirements of the Equipment Fleet On-Road Diesel Emission Regulations mandated by the State of California. This equipment is used by Roads for trenches, ditches and culverts.
The Public Works Heavy Equipment Division received one quote from Pape Machinery, a member of the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA). Public Works intends to sole source the equipment under the NJPA provision. The total quoted sales price including taxes and fees is $407,761
The total cost to purchase the 2019 Gradall XL 3100V is $407,761. Heavy Equipment intends to purchase the equipment outright using the cash balance from the Heavy Equipment Internal Service Fund (ISF) 3540 fund. The current ca...
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