To: Board of Supervisors
From: County Administrative Office
Agenda Section: Time Certain Matter
9:15 a.m. - Update to Nordic Aquafarms Presentation and Infrastructure Development on the Samoa Peninsula
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Receive the staff report regarding plans, liabilities, obligations, and partnership/financing options for infrastructure development on the Samoa Peninsula;
2. Direct to staff to explore the creation of a Joint Powers Authority with public agencies with a vested interest in infrastructure development on the Samoa Peninsula and report back to your Board; and
3. Direct the Board Chair to sign the Letter of Support for Nordic Aquafarms.
General Fund and Economic Development.
The County of Humboldt's Economic Development team have been engaged in conversations and activity concerning numerous potential coastal dependent and aquaculture-based development opportunities for the Samoa Peninsula.
One such opportunity is the Nordic Aquafarms project which would entail the construction of a new world class recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and land-based fish farming facility. The investment for this project is anticipated to be $400 million and would result in the creation of 85 primary, and 25 secondary, full-time benefited jobs.
On July 23rd, 2019 Nordic Aquafarms made a presentation to your Board outlining specific infrastructure challenges that exist and which may financially prohibit their project. Said infrastructure challenges also could hamper other future development on the Samoa Peninsula.
Prior to Nordic's July presentation, Economic Development staff had also identified a substantial lack or limitation of infrastructure on the Samoa Peninsula and brought these findings to your Board on May 21st, 2019. This report by staff resulted in the creation of the Responsible Engagement for the Development...
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