File #: 25-286    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 2/13/2025 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 2/20/2025 Final action: 2/20/2025
Title: VB BTS II, LLC Conditional Use Permit Record No.: PLN-2023-18298 APN: 511-111-063 McKinleyville area A Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a new telecommunications facility consisting of an approximately 100-foot tall tower together with an equipment compound in a fenced 50'x50' lease area. To help disguise the facility, the proposed tower includes stealthing designed to obscure the visibility of antennas and other equipment by making the structure look like an evergreen tree complete with faux branches on its "trunk". The tower will be capable of hosting equipment from multiple different wireless carriers. Though not proposed at this time, a back-up generator may be installed in the future. An exception to the accessory structure height limit is requested.
Attachments: 1. 18298 Staff Report 2.20.25, 2. Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution, 3. Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval, 4. Attachment 1B - Location Map and PlanSet, 5. Attachment 2 - Applicant's Evidence in Support of Required Findings, 6. Attachment 2A - Project Narrative, 7. Attachment 2B - Coverage Objective & Justification, 8. Attachment 2C - Analysis of Alternative Sites, 9. Attachment 2D - Photosimulations, 10. Attachment 2E - Cumulative RF Rpt, 11. Attachment 3 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations
To: Planning Commission

From: Planning and Building Department

Agenda Section: Consent

VB BTS II, LLC Conditional Use Permit
Record No.: PLN-2023-18298
APN: 511-111-063
McKinleyville area

A Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a new telecommunications facility consisting of an approximately 100-foot tall tower together with an equipment compound in a fenced 50'x50' lease area. To help disguise the facility, the proposed tower includes stealthing designed to obscure the visibility of antennas and other equipment by making the structure look like an evergreen tree complete with faux branches on its "trunk". The tower will be capable of hosting equipment from multiple different wireless carriers. Though not proposed at this time, a back-up generator may be installed in the future. An exception to the accessory structure height limit is requested.

That the Planning Commission:
1. Adopt the resolution (Resolution 25-__), (Attachment 1) which does the following:

a. Finds the Planning Commission has determined that the project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines, and as a Responsible Agency, agrees with the lead agency's findings; and

b. Makes all of the required findings for approval of the Conditional Use Permit; and

c. Approves the VB BTS II, LLC Conditional Use Permit as recommended by staff subject to the conditions of approval (Attachment 1A).

Project Location: The project is located in the McKinleyville area, on the South side of Norton Road, approximately 0.2 Miles from the intersection of Central Ave and Norton Road, on the property known as 1777 Norton Rd.

Present General Plan Land Use Designation: CR/AP - Commercial Recreation, Airport Safety Review; McKinleyville Community Plan; Density: unspecified; Slope Stability: Relatively Stable (0).

Present Zoning: RS/X-Q-AP-N-WR - Residential Suburba...

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