Hone; Demolition and Coastal Development Permit
Record Number PLN-2021-17105
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 511-061-009
3480 Letz Avenue, McKinleyville area
A Coastal Development Permit to authorize the construction of a 9,800 square foot single family residence, 1,700 square foot garage, 876 square feet of covered porches, 728 square foot port au cochere, 1,340 square foot pool, and 5,000 square foot recreation area (basketball/tennis courts). All existing structures are proposed for demolition. The McKinleyville Community Services District currently provides water and sewer services to the property and is expected to serve the proposed new development. Grading is expected to be less than 50 cubic yards, and no trees will be removed.
Adopt the Resolution to 1) Find the project exempt from environmental review pursuant to Sections 15303(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines, 2) make all required findings for approval of the Coastal Development Permit, and 3) approve the Hone project subject to the recommended conditions.