To: Board of Supervisors
From: Supervisor Virginia Bass
Agenda Section: Initiated by Board Member
Redwood Region Entertainment and Education Liaison, Inc. DBA Humboldt Del Norte Film Commission Film Humboldt Current and Future Programs, Extension of Professional Services Agreement (Supervisor Virginia Bass)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Receive presentation from Commissioner Hesseltine of the Humboldt Del Norte Film Commission.
2. Direct County Administrative Office (CAO) to support the Humboldt Del Norte Film Commission creation of a Film Humboldt incentive program to attractive films to the region, including through seeking funding opportunities.
3. Direct the CAO to support the development and construction of a regional soundstage, including through seeking funding opportunities.
4. Approve the professional services agreement with Redwood Region Entertainment and Education Liaisons, Inc. Professional Services Agreement through June 30, 2023.
General Fund (1100)
Commissioner Cassandra Hesseltine of Redwood Region Entertainment and Education Liaison, Inc. (RREEL) Humboldt Del Norte Film Commissioner (Film Commission) today will present on current Film Commission activities as well as future projects of the Film Commission, including The Film Humboldt incentive program and regional soundstage development efforts. It is respectfully requested that your Board direct the County Administrative Office to assist the Film Commission with efforts related to the Film Humboldt incentive program and development of a regional soundstage.
Additionally in June 2019, your Board approved a new agreement with RREEL utilizing 5% funding from Transient Occupancy Tax and an additional $20,000 annually to promote the various resources and advantages of Humboldt County through programs of film and video production and promotion. That agreement was initially set to ...
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