Terminate the Existing License Agreement and Approve a New License Agreement for the Hansen-Degnan Surface Mining Operation, Stockpile Site, and Temporary Equipment Storage Area, APN 207-036-001, 32353 Kneeland Road, Bridgeville
That the Board of Supervisors approve the termination of the existing Agreement between the County of Humboldt and John J. Hansen (deceased) for the Hansen-Degnan property (APN 207-036-001) along Kneeland Road, and direct staff to provide the owner written notice of termination; authorize the Chairperson to sign, in duplicate, the new License Agreement between the County of Humboldt and Pat O'Day (President) and Wanda Hansen-Ash (Secretary) of Hansen-Degnan Properties; and direct the Clerk of the Board to return both executed License Agreements to the Department of Public Works Land Use Division for further processing.