To: Zoning Administrator
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Birds of Paradise Farms, LLC Special Permit for 5,000 square feet of existing outdoor cultivation
Assessor Parcel Number 221-071-027, 221-011-016, 221-071-042, & 221-071-045
Record No.: PLN-12535-SP
Miranda area
A Special Permit for 5,000 square feet (SF) of existing outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation supported by a 336 SF ancillary propagation greenhouse on APN 221-071-027. The project also includes a Special Permit for encroachment in a Streamside Management Area for the use and maintenance of a micro-hydro system on APN 221-071-045. Water is sourced exclusively from rainwater catchment, captured and stored in three offsite ponds. The total storage capacity of the three ponds is approximately 640,000 gallons and there are 25,120 gallons of storage available in tanks. The annual estimated water budget is 107,300 gallons, or 21.46 gallons per square foot per year. Processing will occur offsite in an existing 900 SF building on APN 221-071-042 or will occur at a third-party licensed facility. Power is provided by a photovoltaic system and micro-hydro system, with a 25-kilowatt (kW) generator utilized only for emergency backup. The applicant proposes a maximum of six employees in addition to the applicant themself and their spouse.
That the Zoning Administrator:
1. Adopt the resolution (Resolution 25-__), which does the following:
a. Finds that the Zoning Administrator has considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) previously adopted for the Commercial Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance as well as the Addendum to the MND that was prepared for the Birds of Paradise Farms, LLC project pursuant to Section 15164 of the CEQA guidelines; and
b. Finds that the proposed project complies with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; and
c. Approves the Special Permit subject to the conditions of app...
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