File #: 25-156    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Informational Report Status: Passed
File created: 1/14/2025 In control: DHHS: Administrative
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Grant Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Regarding Acceptance of Funding Made Available through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program
Strategic Framework: 4000 – HOUSING FOR ALL, 4001 – Provide housing and sheltering solutions for people experiencing homelessness
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Grant Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Regarding Acceptance of Funding Made Available through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, 3. HUD YHDP Grant Application, 4. YHDP NOFO 2024
To: Board of Supervisors

From: DHHS: Administration

Agenda Section: Consent

Vote Requirement: Majority

Grant Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Regarding Acceptance of Funding Made Available through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program

That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Waive the requirements of the Humboldt County Nuclear-Free Ordinance with regard to the attached grant agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; and
2. Approve, and authorize the Department of Health and Human Services Director, or a designee thereof, to execute, the attached grant agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding acceptance of funding made available through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program; and
3. Authorize the Department of Health and Human Services Director, or a designee thereof, to execute any and all subsequent applications, agreements, amendments, certifications, attestations and other documents required or deemed necessary for the Department of Health and Human Services to accept and secure funding made available through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, after review and approval by County Counsel, Risk Management and the County Administrative Office; and
4. Direct the Clerk of the Board to provide the Department of Health and Human Services - Contract Unit with one fully executed certified copy of the Board order related to this item.

The recommended actions support the following areas of the Board of Supervisors' Strategic Plan:

Area of Focus: Housing for All
Strategic Plan Category: 4001 - Provide housing and sheltering solutions for people experiencing homelessness

On June 6, 2024, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a Notice of Funding Opportunity which announced the availab...

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