To: Board of Supervisors
From: DHHS: Social Services
Agenda Section: Consent
Professional Services Agreement with Redwood Community Action Agency Regarding the Provision of Housing Assistance, Case Management and Support Services to Eligible Families as Part of the Parents and Children in Transition Program
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve, and authorize the Chair of the Board to execute, the attached professional services agreement with Redwood Community Action Agency regarding the provision of housing assistance, case management and support services to eligible families as part of the Parents and Children in Transition Program in an amount not to exceed $450,490 for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021;
2. Authorize the Department of Health and Human Services - Child Welfare Services Director, or a designee thereof, to execute any and all subsequent amendments to the attached professional services agreement with Redwood Community Action Agency, after review and approval by County Counsel, Risk Management and the County Administrative Office; and
3. Direct the Clerk of the Board to return one fully executed original copy of the attached professional services agreement with Redwood Community Action Agency to the Department of Health and Human Services - Contract Unit for further processing.
Social Services Fund
Since its inception in 2016, Redwood Community Action Agency's Parents and Children in Transition (PACT) Program has been providing housing assistance, case management and support services that are designed to enable eligible families to become stabilized and transition into permanent housing. To date, 45 families referred by the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have been served by the PACT Program and 24 families have obtained permanent housing.
The housing assistance, case management and suppor...
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