To: Zoning Administrator
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Denial of Twenty-Six (26) Cannabis Permit Applications Due to Lack of Information
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs): 511-301-005 (PLN-12671-SP), 216-381-034 (PLN-12730-CUP), 212-151-009 (PLN-12760-SP), 212-281-009 (PLN-12816-SP), 033-271-027 (PLN-12829-CUP), 223-311-030 (PLN-12854-CUP), 507-161-006 (PLN-12859-SP), 220-052-011 (PLN-12960-SP), 209-421-012 (PLN-12962-CUP), 209-351-083 (PLN-12973-SP), 316-171-013 (PLN-13060-SP), 507-181-009 (PLN-13087-SP), 308-231-011 (PLN-13104-SP), 110-051-028 (PLN-13188-SP), 077-321-007 (PLN-13192-CUP), 223-311-031 (PLN-13214-SP), 522-492-015 (PLN-13221-CUP), 316-186-015 (PLN-13222-SP), 223-311-031 (PLN-13233-CUP), 216-382-012 (PLN-13298-CUP), 314-301-014 (PLN-13358-CUP), 033-271-004 (PLN-14030-CUP), 032-012-012 (PLN-2019-16097), 216-202-008 (PLN-2021-16980), 208-271-002 (PLN-2021-17123), and 210-022-003 (PLN-2021-17286).
Record Numbers: PLN-12671-SP, PLN-12730-CUP, PLN-12760-SP, PLN-12816-SP, PLN-12829-CUP, PLN-12854-CUP, PLN-12859-SP, PLN-12960-SP, PLN-12962-CUP, PLN-12973-SP, PLN-13060-SP, PLN-13087-SP, PLN-13104-SP, PLN-13188-SP, PLN-13192-CUP, PLN-13214-SP, PLN-13221-CUP, PLN-13222-SP, PLN-13233-CUP, PLN-13298-CUP, PLN-13358-CUP, PLN-14030-CUP, PLN-2019-16097, PLN-2021-16980, PLN-2021-17123, and PLN-2021-17286.
Location: In the unincorporated areas of Humboldt County.
Denial of Ten (10) Conditional Use Permits, Thirteen (13) Special Permits and Three (3) Modifications.
That the Zoning Administrator:
1. Adopt the resolutions, (Attachments 2 - 27) which does the following:
a. Finds the cannabis permit application projects are statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per section 15270 (Projects Which Are Disapproved) of the State CEQA Guidelines; and
b. Finds the applicant has not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate...
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